Neven Ethnicity in Moria | World Anvil
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The Neven are a people who share a deep and profound relationship with the animals they keep. In the tradition of the Neven people when a child comes of age they will be guided in meditation by an Oricist priest, where they will commune with the soul of an animal.
This act of meditation forms a bond with the animal spirit that can manifest in many different ways, most bonded only revive guidance and aid in dreams and mediation. depending on the spirit the animal may be able to be manifested through the bond, for some this results in the ability to alter their body and take on physical aspects of their bonded animal. Though for some these changes are permanent. The bonded animal may also be more literally manifested by those with truly powerful spirits who are able to summon the animals spirit into the physical world. Due to the respect and importance of mounted combat to the Neven people, those who can manifest a spirit mount are given great respect and reverence, they are often called Spirit Riders.
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