Mooncrest Organization in Moria | World Anvil
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The halfling city state of Mooncrest sits between two rivers on the shore of Lake Chipton.   In ages long past the city of Mooncrest grew rich off trade from their two river ports, and expanded their borders to incorporate nearby shires and villages. In modern times all that marks the borders of Mooncrest are the sprawling orchards and farms that wave its banners, for who needs armies and walls when the threat of tariffs and taxes are enough to sway any nearby king.
Mooncrests two greatest assets are its bountiful farms and its trade guilds. The guilds of Mooncrest oversee all trade that happens within the city and even some beyond as their reputation for improving profit and order has spread far and wide many cities and even kingdoms have invited the guilds to establish themselves abroad.

Many skills, many virtues.

Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The city of guilds, The grand shire
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations

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