Wyverian Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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While wyverians superficially resemble humans, they actually descend from the first wyverns. After time began, the Fifth Aspect Eldath sought to expand the races' understanding of the Fives creations. As such, she molded the first wyverians from those wyverns who were up to the task.
At the end of the Great Dragon War, the wyverians were one of the few races that survived the end of the ancient civilization. Even so, only a handful of them remained. Seeking to prevent the atrocities that occurred during the Great Dragon War, these ancient wyverians made a pact to hide their knowledge for the rest of the world, but they would also guide the lost and teach them how to be one with nature.
The new wyverians, who came about after the reemergence, call the village of Cathar home. Their population remains small due to the fact that they reproduce less often than many of the other races, but each wyverian seeks to better the world. It is rare to see an evil wyverian, so much so, that there has never been one in recorded history.
When these new wyverians reach adolescence they leave Cathar and head out into the world on a journey of self discovery. Many of these wyverians return to Cathar a few years after their journey began. Others join the Hunters Guild; become academics, joining the Wycademy or the Elder Dragon Observation Team; or become hermits and sages, protecting the balance of nature in the territory they call home. Due to their long life span many of them who never return to Cathar become chiefs of villages, lead researchers, and other positions of respect and power in their old age.

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