Warforged Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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During the time of the ancient civilization a new race was created, not by the gods, but by man. These Equal Hunter Weapons or "EHWs" were created near the end of the ancient civilization as an attempt to meet the ancient civilizations' needs. Mindless automatons, these first EHWs were used to collect vast resources, be it minerals, herbs, or hunting some of the less intelligent species of wyverns
By the time of the Great Dragon War, the ancient civilization had made vast improvements to their original design. By pumping wyvern blood through their body and using energized streamstone as its core, the ancient civilization had produced a sapient hunter, now more commonly known as warforged. During the Great Dragon War, these warforged were not just front line soldiers and defenders of the many settlements across the world, they were also tasked with the collection of vast amounts of dragon blood to fuel the ancient civilizations newest weapon, the Equal Dragon Weapon. By the end of the war, all of the warforged had been destroyed, deactivated, or left incomplete in workshop ruins.
After the reemergence, there have been different points in history when a warforged or two have woken up, their programing either incomplete or degraded over time, these warforged have a greater range of free will, and as such, albeit begrudgingly by some of the races, have been recognized as a new species.

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