Troverians Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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Known as the forgefoots in ancient times, the troverians took their new name after the reemergence. Unlike the dwarves who were molded by stone and minerals by the all-father, the troverians were born from humans who worshiped the creatures of the earth, and were the last to be ascended by Io before his sacrifice.
The troverians were an instrumental part of the ancient civilization, working with gnomes and dwarves and combining their technology with their own. It was this adaptability that led to the creation of the equal hunter weapons. It was one of their greatest accomplishments and greatest regrets. The equal hunter weapons made life easier for the ancient civilization, but also was the spark that would eventually begin the Great Dragon War.
The troverians live in the mountains and hills, in recent years they were welcomed to the village of Harth where they work together with the dwarves to develop new weapons and items for the Hunters Guild. Most troverian adventurers have some sort of smithing or artisan skill, and typically join one of the many factions to find hidden technology and rare materials that they can bring back home.

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