Tritons Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The tritons were the first humans to worship the Fives creation and as such were infused with the power of the sea. Due to this, many tritons come across as arrogant, but they are in fact benevolent creatures at heart, convinced that other civilized races deserve their protection. Their attitude might grate, but when pirate fleets prowl the waves or a ceadeus awakens from its slumber, they are among the first to take up arms to protect others.
During the War of the Ancients, the tritons suffered massive defeats and many were twisted by Fatalis’ offer of power, transforming them into sahuagins. It wasn't until Persana ascended to godhood that the tritons were finally able to push the sahuagins and other corrupt creatures back to the elemental plane of water.
In the aftermath of the war the tritons were tasked by Persana to be the caretakers of the sea. So they began building some small settlements beside deep trenches and even some in other dangerous spots far from the land.
That isn't to say that all triton's live so far from the other races. Many of them call Moga Village and many of the port towns across the Old World home.
Many triton's that live among the other races work as dockhands, shipwrights, or merchants in the ports. While others may join the hunters guild or other research guilds, using their unique attributes to their advantage.

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