The Time of the Ancient Civilization Myth in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The Time of the Ancient Civilization

The Platinum Court

When the Guardians formed the Platinum Court they presented themselves to the new leaders of the first races at the request of the third Aspect Bahamut. The pantheon nurtured the first races, expanding their knowledge and power beyond their wildest dreams. Thousands of years passed and the ancestors of the first races came to be known as the ancient civilization. In time they used their newfound knowledge and the materials they collected from the monster corpses during the War of the Ancients to build giant towers that reached to the heavens, cities of stone within the mountains, elegant towns in the forests, and settlements of all different types across the world. They became a highlyadvanced society with technology that the races of today still can't figure out.

The Wild Lords

The Wild Lords under the leadership of the Fifth Aspect Eldath, spent their time repairing the world and creating monsters to inhabit it. They started with the creation of three monsters; the akantor, odibatorasu, and ukanlos. To the races of the present day they are known respectively as the black, white, and sand gods. The odibatorasu created the deserts from the now empty sea, while the ukanlos and akantor repaired the damage from the demons within the Northern El De regions. They filled the world with warrior monsters to defend the land. These formidable beasts could mold the world around them and bend the elements to their will.

The Radiant Eye

Before the world could return to what it once was, the Radiant Eye under the command of the Fourth Aspect, Tiamat, set out to rid the material plane of the corruption that remained after the War of the Ancients. They enlisted the members of the ancient civilization and monsters alike to hunt down the rabid beasts, and sanctify the lands across the world. Using the technology of the ancient civilization and with the assistance of the Platinum Court they crafted weapons and armor to combat the new monsters born from the corruption. They used the powers granted to them by the gods, blessing the land, and sending the corruption back to the Lower Plane, but in doing so they strengthened the demons, devils, and the Fatalis himself.

The Great Dragon War

Nobody knows exactly when the war that wiped out almost every monster and race began, but scholars and other researchers suggest it started long before the ancient civilization attempted to create the equal dragon weapon. A set of dominos that fell into place if you will. Though it is mostly unknown what exactly happened in the war, The Legend of the Black Dragon is said to describe all that happened in the Great Dragon War. The war ended with most of the dragons extinct and with ancient civilization gone for good.

Rebuilding the World

Centuries passed before the gods regained their power, and many were devastated by the destruction of their creations. Some gods were so filled with despair and grief they wished to leave and start anew. Others wished to stay and rebuild. After much debate and input from the remaining three Aspects, the gods looked to rebuild. There was just one complication.
The corruption and fatalis's influence would always remain within anything the gods created and they no longer had the power to change or create a new system. So they did only what they could, they poured their own divine influence into the wheel. Their creations from this point forward would be capable of both good and evil, and the war with Fatalis would continue through their creations, but so long as they guided them towards the light, the balance would remain.
The Wild Lords filled the world with new creatures, big and small, but none as powerful as the warrior monsters that existed before. They adapted nature to work with the corruption and keep it in balance with the help of the wyverians, who became the first druids and rangers.
The Platinum Court created the races once more. Using religion and worship, the Platinum Court guided the masses indirectly towards the light. They shared their power with those they deemed worthy and limited the knowledge they gave, letting the races advance their technology slowly through the information found in the ruined settlements of the ancient civilization.

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