The Third Aspect: Bahamut Organization in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The Third Aspect: Bahamut

Alignment: Lawful Good • Domains: Life, War

Bahamut, also known as "The Platinum Dragon", is revered in many locales. The pillar of justice, protection, nobility, and honor, Bahamut stands as the leader of the Platinum Court. He stood vehemently against all evil and as such, was the first to take up arms against Fatalis in the War of the Ancients and against his own sister Tiamat during the Great Dragon War. After the Great Dragon War, Bahamut was a beacon in the darkness to all the races and revered by the elder dragons. He, along with the Platinum Court, sought to guide the races of the world on how to survive and live with nature.

In agreement with the remaining Aspects, Bahamut locked away the knowledge of the ancient civilization within his hoard, only sharing the information to those in need and that he deemed worthy. However he also pursued viciously, (usually sending his champions and followers) those who tried to steal the hoard from his palace as, after all, he was a god of justice.
In spite of his stance against evil, Bahamut is also considered one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse. He has limitless empathy for the downtrodden, the dispossessed, and the helpless. He usually preferred to polymorph those who had offended him into kelbi, and other herbivores, instead of killing them.
Bahamut accepts only good clerics. Clerics of Bahamut, be they dragons, half-dragons, or other beings attracted to Bahamut’s philosophy, strive to take constant but subtle action on behalf of good, intervening wherever they are needed but trying to do as little harm as possible in the process. Many wyverians maintain simple shrines to Bahamut in their homes, usually nothing more elaborate than Bahamut’s symbol scribed on a wall.
Temples to Bahamut were extremely rare, as the Platinum Dragon didn't appreciate being honored by objects, taking into account deeds instead. The few temples that were made to honor him were beautiful and elegant buildings with simple furniture and no embellishment or adornment. Bahamut's worshipers and clergy had no formal rituals or ceremonies. Those who followed the Platinum Dragon believed in the philosophy of "praying through their deeds". The only activity that was considered as something like a ritual was the Rite of Rebirth, the magical process by which non-dragon humanoids transformed themselves into dragonborn.

Commandments of The Platinum Dragon
  • Stand as a paragon of honor and justice.
  • Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from righteousness.
  • Defend the weak, bring freedom to those without, and protect the ideals of just order.

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