The Fourth Aspect: Tiamat Organization in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The Fourth Aspect: Tiamat

Alignment: Lawful Evil, Chaotic Evil • Domains: Trickery

Also known as "The Undying Queen", Tiamat once sought to contain the corruption of the world, but during her attempts to contain it, she instead succumbed to it. Once a god who followed in the footsteps of her brother Bahamut and the Prime Deity, Pelor. Tiamat has since become arrogant, greedy, hateful, spiteful and vain. She never forgives any kind of slight and is focused on obtaining more power and wealth. She disdained mortals, regarding them as mere disposable tools in her schemes.

Tiamat resides in the Lower Planes after her banishment during the Great Dragon War. After being abandoned by Fatalis for her failures during the war, Tiamat's maliciousness and insanity grew. As such, she constantly seeks to extend the power and dominion of her rule over the land, particularly by twisting creatures made by the Wild Lords into her servants. She believes deities of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical, and therefore her rivals. She considered herself the only being powerful enough to defy these gods, including Fatalis, and overthrow their despotic rule.
Tiamat has an insatiable greed for treasures, but prefers that her followers bring it to her in the form of gifts instead of searching for riches on her own. As such, Tiamat only accepts those with evil in their heart. Her followers work tirelessly toward her agenda of world domination. When Tiamat assumed her throne as the only goddess of the Realms, her draconic children would serve her as dukes, or so her followers believed, and her clergy struggled to gain the position vassals when that move came.
In her natural form, Tiamat is a thick-bodied dragon with five heads and a wyvern’s tail. Each head is a different color: white, black, green, blue, and red. Her massive body is striped in those colors.
Though many evil beings honor Tiamat, few keep shrines dedicated to her in their lairs because they don’t want Tiamat’s greedy eyes gazing at their treasure hoards. Instead, they dedicate vast, gloomy caverns to their deity and keep them stocked with treasure and sacrifices

Commandments of The Undying Queen
  • Amass wealth, and spend little. The gold, and the power that comes with it, is sufficient reward.
  • Do not forgive nor forget an indignity to yourself. Let no affront go unpunished.
  • Take what you covet. Those without the strength to defend their dominion are not worthy to have a dominion

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