The First Aspect: Io Organization in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The First Aspect: Io

Alignment: Neutral • Domains: Dragons, Knowledge, Magic, Spells, Strength, Travel, and Wealth.

Io cared for all of the Five's “children,” but favored the dragons, and their continued existence in the world. Io was considered to be the greatest dragon of them all and as such was the leader of the Aspects, granting him the title of the Prime Deity. He is the Concordant Dragon, encompassing good and evil, law and chaos, and transcends them all. It was said that Io only manifested once on the material plane, during the War of the Ancients, when he ascended the first human to godhood.

At the end of the War of the Ancients Io sacrificed himself to seal Fatalis away in its lair. Though Io is dead, he is remembered and celebrated through the teachings of the Platinum Court and the Wild Lords. To this day, a few wyverians and dragonborn pay homage and live in service to Io through Bahamut.
His symbol was a multi-coloured disk.

Remembrance of Io
When Io was still alive, one of his rituals involved the blending of many things together, reflecting Io's own nature. One common ritual involved drinking wine with a drop of blood from each participant dissolved in it. After Io's death, the followers of both the Wild Lords and the Platinum court honor this rite during the Autumn Harvest Festival. Those who can't drink, such as children, instead hold a potluck in the middle of town.

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