The Fatalis Organization in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The Fatalis

Alignment: Chaotic Evil • Domains: Creation, Death, Trickery
Fatalis is an evil god of eternal darkness, decay, destruction, entropy, malign knowledge, and insanity. It is an evil incarnate that threatens the very existence of not only the material plane, but the very multiverse. Fatalis is hated by nearly all other gods, who would gladly put aside their differences to stop the Dark God from escaping its demiplane prison.
In its endless imprisonment, Fatalis exerts its will on the creatures of the material plane and brings the infinite depths of its mind into reality. The Aspects had thought it locked away at the end of the War of the Ancients until its aspect returned to ruin the world during the Great Dragon War. When the aspect was sealed away in the Ruins of Castle Schrade, its chaotic mind has fallen into more frightful dreams, imagining nightmarish creatures into existence.
Fatalis's few followers are almost all insane, and those who are not are extremely dangerous. Contact with the imprisoned God is only possible in proximity to one of his remaining artifacts or forgotten unholy sites, and even then his blessings come at the cost of madness. Its followers are highly secretive, and its temples are well hidden. Many follow it in the optimistic belief that Fatalis will spare its loyal servants when it destroys the multiverse. Their goal is to bring together all of its artifacts, and to free Fatalis from his imprisonment, where it will destroy the multiverse. Although the cult's leaders are fully aware of this, many low-ranking members merely seek revenge against society, and are unaware of the full extent of the Dark God's destruction, should it be freed.
Followers of Fatalis conduct terrible rituals of sacrifice. Most of their rites involve failed attempts to commune with their deity, or learn the secrets to unlocking the seals that bind it. If it has holy days, they are unknown to all but perhaps some of his followers.
His holy symbol is a jagged counterclockwise dark spiral rune known as the Spiral of Decay.
Commandments of Fatalis
  • Light must be snuffed, perfection decayed, order dissolved, and minds fragmented.

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