Monstrous Races Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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Monstrous Races

The monstrous races of the Old World were born in many different ways. Many of them were born when Fatalis and the other corrupted gods attempted to influence the races of the world. The kobolds were once dragonborns that were twisted into the scrawny-like creatures of today. The Orcs were once goliaths and humans; the goblins, halflings; and tritons were molded into sahuagin.
Not all of the monstrous races were created in this way though, many of them were created from the corruption themselves. Bugbears, hobgoblins, and yuan-ti were all created in such a way. Other than their creation most of these races all act as they have in other d&d adventures and most other races hold the same likes and dislikes of them.

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