Lynians Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The Lynians are a relatively common race in the Old World, able to adapt to their environments much like humans. Although many of the lynian subspecies originated on the main continent in the Old World many of them have migrated to all corners of the world. For those who stay within multispecies communities, their short stature and beast-like nature has always proved a social hindrance in the lands of the tall folk. While lynians fight for respect within human communities, they can prove themselves through deeds, or humor, among their taller neighbors. They've been seen being farmers, traders, adventurers, etc. Some Lynians, known as "palicos", are known to assist hunters and quite a few are independent monster hunters, known as prowlers.


Cousins to the shakalaka, the boaboa are one of the few lynians that can tolerate the cold. They call the arctic regions of the world home and strangely enough worship the popo as a god. During the Great Dragon War, the boaboa allied with the Dark Mother when the goliaths and warforged came for the popo’s fur and meat. At the Dark Mother's request, the boaboa were tasked with killing their enemies in the most torturous way possible. In return, the Dark Mother promised her protection of the popo. The boaboa excelled at their task, and it wasn't until her banishment that they realized her betrayal. The northern sea had been poisoned, filled with the corpses of the goliaths the boaboa had slain. It tainted everything, killing the popo and boaboa alike.
After the reemergence, the boaboa worship the Wild Lords. It was by their grace that the popo returned to the world. They still have a great hate for the goliaths, just as the goliaths do for them. They're slow to trust, but once you earn it, the boaboa can prove to be an invaluable lifelong friend.

Felyne & Melynx

The felyne and melynx are the most common lynian subspecies found in the Old World. While both easily adapt to lifestyles with other races taking up jobs as chefs, blacksmith assistants, and other odd jobs, the melynx have a tendency to revert back to their more... wild nature. They are known to occasionally have items of value "appear" in their hands with no knowledge of how they got there. Of course they gladly return the items if asked, but any that go unclaimed are taken to their homes for safekeeping until their owner comes to retrieve them. For those felyne and melynx seeking greater respect, they typically join up with hunters as their palico or as prowlers themselves
Felyne and Melynx that live in the wild are looked at as their own culture due to their intelligence, lifestyle, and groups. They are known to form villages in secluded areas, where most monsters wouldn't dare to venture to. These villages are known to have tribal exchanges with other lynians and other cultures. They are also known to worship the Wild Lords, with many felyne and melynx druids and rangers originating from these settlements.


The gajalaka worship the Lord of Murder and answered his call for war during the Great Dragon War. They are outlanders much like their shakalaka cousins, but are aggressive towards all monsters and hunters that enter their territory. After the reemergence the few that remained after the war hid themselves away in an attempt to build their numbers back up. It wasn't until recent history that the gajalaka showed themselves once more. A gajalaka rarely works with anyone from the civilized world, unless exiled, or if it benefits them. They are also rarely accepted due to many of them being acolytes to the Lord of Murder, necromancers, criminals, or thieves.



The grimalkyne were once one large tribe during the time of the ancient civilization. They were outlanders, who lived off the land and worked in harmony with nature. They worshiped the Wild Lords and still do to this day
The reason the grimalkyne split into the separate tribes of today during the Great Dragon War, was due to a disagreement between its four leaders. Each of them believed they were walking the grimalkyne down the correct path. The Bugtrappers tribe headed into the ancient forests, choosing to seclude themselves like the shakalaka. The Protectors and Troupers tribes joined the other races of the world in the fight against Fatalis and Tiamat. Those grimalkyne who become palicos or prowlers are typically from these two tribes. Finally the Plunderers tribe sought to scavenge the battlefields and other ruins of the world, gathering enough supplies to protect themselves.
After the reemergence the Bugtrappers remained in the forests as outlanders, hermits, and sages. They assist hunters and provide aid to those who enter their territories. The Protectors and Troupers took their leave, traveling into the deserts and high mountains to build their own communities. Occasionally these tribes have been known to send emissaries to towns, cities, and guilds as a sign of good will. The Plunderers tribe still remain scavengers and criminals. It is not unheard of for a Plunderers tribe grimalkyne to impersonate a Protector or Trouper as a way to enter a town or guild without suspicion.


The Shakalaka are very similar to humans, in that they hunt and gather, but are less civilized in nature. Even before the rise of the ancient civilization the shakalaka had secluded themselves deep in the forests of the world. In doing so, the shakalaka avoided much of the carnage of the Great Dragon War, but also stunted their growth as a society, leaving themselves primitive and barbaric even after the reemergence. Even so, the shakalaka are a proud and barbaric subspecies of lynians, attacking most creatures, including hunters, on sight. Young shakalaka or, Ōme Shakalaka (unripe shakalaka) as they are known in their tribes, have been known to befriend hunters, helping them on their quests.
they partake in a coming-of-age ritual in which they are sent out of their settlement to bring back items of great value to their tribe. This can take the form of a rare monster material, treasure, or an object with historical or cultural importance to the tribe (such as a special mask).
Hunters are able to spot an Ōme Shakalaka by their mask. These masks aren't the usual telltale orange gourd masks that adult shakalaka wear. Instead young shakalaka wear masks of all varieties, most commonly acorn masks. Shakalaka that become palicos or prowlers are known to have full helms crafted from the creatures they've killed.

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