Humans Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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During the ancient times the human civilizations were widespread across the known world. They are diverse in skills and quick to adapt, which allowed them to learn and live with the other races without conflict. After the reemergence, the humans were recreated by the Aspect Pelor. With the Great Wheel infused with both divine and corruption, the Humans were made stronger, but their once good nature was now shaped by the world around them. Human hunters and folk heroes can originate from anywhere in the Old World and are typically found in all villages, cities, and towns. Most Commonly though, hunters that graduate from the hunter academy are from Minegarde or villages nearby in the Verdant Hills.
Humans living in the Verdant hills provide the infrastructure for port and trade between the three largest cities; Dundorma, Verudo, and Riveru; and the rest of the world. As such, humans are typically skilled in some craft, business, or production. For the humans seeking a life away from civilization, more often than not find work with the wycademy or hunters guild as research explorers, archeologist, handlers, or hunters themselves.

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