Halflings Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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Halfling clans have always been known for their curiosity and tendency to collect things. Before the War of the Ancients the halflings were the leading experts in botany and were most commonly herbalists. They lead expeditions across the world collecting plants, mushrooms, and other rare resources that they could study and use to better the life of the races and creatures alike.
When the War of the Ancients began, the halfling clans splintered. The lightfoot clan wished to avoid the war directly, instead focusing their attention on the curative and other beneficial properties the resources they gathered could provide their armies. The Stoutfoot were ready to fight, but while the adults headed to the front lines, their young took to defending the settlements as guards. The forgefoot clan as they came to be known during the war, strayed from plants and mushrooms. Instead they turned their focus on ways to bend the earth to the war's needs.
After the war the halfling clans did not reunite. Two of the clans had found a new passion while the lightfoot clan stuck to the halfling traditions. The lightfoots resented the other clans for straying from the old ways which caused some minor conflicts between the clans throughout the time of the ancient civilization, but their accomplishments overshadowed these "minor" skirmishes.


After the reemergence the lightfoot clan has spread far and wide. Their traditions still hold strong throughout the clan with most lightfoots using their knowledge to become alchemists, herbalists, researchers, clerics, and druids. They have a tendency to avoid being up front fighters and would rather run when in danger than fight.
The Lightfoots still hold a grudge against the other halfling clans, but they will still work with them if required, albeit reluctantly. They are also not against bringing up any faults in plans or issues caused by their halfling brethren.


The Stoutfoot clan took a new name after the reemergence. Tired of having a name similar to the traditionalist who are unwilling to change, the Stoutfoot clan came to be known as the Stoutguard clan. The Stoutguards are well known throughout the settlements of the Old World. Many do not take up hunting, instead choosing to guard the villages, cities, and towns they were born in. On a rare occasion, a Stoutguard has been known to enter the ranks of guild knight. Those who reach this achievement are treated as heroes and legends in their halfling communities.

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