Half-Elves Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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For a human, having a half-elf child was a blessing that brought their family closer to the gods. They grew up adored in their communities, growing up with acceptance and praise. It is uncommon for a half-elf to leave their families or communities when they come of age. Most of them take over family businesses or find a respectable job in town. Those that do feel the wanderlust from their elven heritage, usually join the Hunters Guild or Wycademy as a way to satiate that need.
For the elves, their opinions varied. The wood elves welcome the half-elves with arms wide open, sharing their traditions and knowledge. The high elves of Riveru are not so accepting, the half-elves in their eyes are tainted. Their innate magic and ancestry are weakened by the human blood flowing within them, but that isn't to say that the half-elves have their uses. half-elves in Riveru work as house servants and doing other menial tasks in the town.
It is a tough life, that many half-elves choose to leave once they come of age, never to return to the city. Finally, the drow do not breed with weaker races, as such no drow half-elves are known to exist, but should one ever come to be, it would only find death by both the high elves and drow, but it might find sanctuary with the wood elves.

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