Goliaths Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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One of the last races created by the gods before the Great Dragon War, the goliaths were outlanders who resided in the Snowy Mountains. Molded by Eldath from those who worshiped the ukanlos that resided deep in the mountain range, the goliaths are a race wrapped in tradition. Their society's key focus was competitiveness and held equality and fairness in high regard. They kept track of their accomplishments and saw everything as a challenge. Many outside of the race that didn't understand this tradition would find it quite annoying when a goliath would bring up how many times a certain thing would happen.
This was not the case however. To goliaths, score-keeping was a natural and integral part of life, not meant to belittle or demean anyone.
Ancient goliaths lived in small tribes in the Snowy Mountains, that numbered between forty and sixty. This was usually made up of three to five extended families. Most goliaths lived in the same tribe their entire life. On rare occasions, a tribe that got too large would split into smaller tribes or smaller tribes would merge together.
These tribes only went to war as a final option, and for much of the Great Dragon War they were successful in this endeavor. It wasn't until the death of their beloved ukanlos by the hands of the Dark Mother's cultists that they allied with the Aspects. The war was bloody for the goliaths, many of the families and tribes were wiped out. Those that survived returned to the Snowy Mountains beaten and bruised, but with a new found respect for their allies.
After the reemergence, the goliaths were an integral part of the Pokke Village's founding. The Snowy Mountains had always been their home, and their knowledge of the territory prevented many casualties in those initial years. Though most goliath tribes are nomadic, many of them chose to remain in Pokke Village as gladiators, soldiers, and hunters. In fact, after the founding of the Hunters Guild in Pokke Village, the goliaths were one of the first to join up. The guild to them, represented the tradition that was lost after ukanlos' death. They were able to compete not only with their fellow goliaths, but also all the other members of the guild. Rumors in the past have told of goliath hunters returning to the Snowy Mountain with large pure white eggs. Though they deny it, many believe the goliaths are searching for a ukanlos egg, in hopes of returning on to the mountains once again.

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