Gnomes Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The gnomes and gnomish culture were extremely prevalent during the time of the ancient civilization. There wasn't a village street or a city block where the sound of gears grinding, minor explosions, and yelps of surprise were mixed in with bursts of laughter and joy. The gnomes were responsible for many of the great innovations and inventions of the time. After the reemergence the ruins of the Tower to the far east and the Sky's Corridor on a remote island off the east coast of the great forest still stand as a testament to their work.

Rock Gnomes

The rock gnomes are more closely related to their ancestors than their cousins the forest gnomes. They have a natural curiosity towards technology and seek to find ways to better improve the lives of those in their communities. Their natural inventiveness leads them to become alchemists and tinkerers, seeking ways to use the resources around them in new ways.

Forest Gnomes

Descendants of a community of rock gnomes that inadvertently teleported themselves to the beastlands while experimenting during the ancient civilization. Unable to find a way back to the material plane the rock gnomes slowly adapted to their new environment.
By the time they had returned to the Old World, generations had passed. The forest gnomes, as they were now called, had taken up residence in the Verdant Hills. Preferring to live in nature than in the bustling cities like their kin, the forest gnomes are more than happy to help their rock gnomish kin in their search to understand how nature works and how to manipulate it.
They tend to be good friends with good-spirited woodland folk, aiding them in their endeavors. Forest gnomes make great scouts for the Hunters Guild and Elder Dragon Observation Team due to their ability to befriend small woodland animals. Using these animals the forest gnomes are able to relay information about threats that might prowl their lands.

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