Elves Species in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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The elves were one of the first races created after the creation of the Old World. They were the first race to be created by Eldath meant to represent the beauty of nature. The elves originated in the wooded lands of the Verdant Hills, and many elves still call the forest their home. After the War of the Ancients, when the elves allied themselves with Eldath against Fatalis and its demonic horde, many of the high elf families did not return to the forest, instead choosing a new life in the city of Riveru. Even after the reemergence, Riveru was a wonderous thing of beauty. Many elven heroes and hunters originate from this city.

High Elves

The high elves, named for their close resemblance to Eldath and innate magic ability, call the city of Riveru home. Within the city, the elves focus their studies and talents on the protection of the city. Many of the high elves were known to join the wycademy to expand their knowledge while others joined the Hunters Guild before returning to the city to pass along their new found knowledge.
The high elves are in good standing with their wood elf kin, and with the other races of the world. They have a deep seeded hatred for the Dark Mother and the drow that follow her. Seeking to disrupt her plans over anything else, besides the protection of their city.

Wood Elves

Since ancient times, the wood elves have fought to protect their homeland. After the founding of the Hunters Guild and the Elder Dragon Observation team, young wood elves found that their wanderlust and skills in hunting and survival were a perfect fit for these organizations. Over the passage of time, the wood elf clans spread far and wide, preferring to take up residence in the small villages or outposts near or in the forests of the world. They viewed themselves as guardians of these forests. They were allies and teachers rather than rivals to those in their communities. As a people, wood elves are largely seen as calm and level-headed.
Many hours of a typical wood elf's life are spent on the hunt, which was both a practical activity and a pleasurable one. Most of the time that wood elves were not hunting they were enjoying themselves at ease within the highest branches of their forest homes.

Drow Elves

Few elves let alone other races wish to be associated with their subterranean kin. The drow were once high elves that worshiped the goddess Sune. When the goddess was corrupted she used her alluring whispers to convince her followers to ally with Fatalis in the Great Dragon War. After the Dark Mothers banishment to the Lower Planes, her high elf followers went into exile, hiding below the earth. As generations went by, the high elves blonde hair turned a silvery white, eyes blood red, and their once beautiful skin turned the color of ash. They took on a new name, no longer the high elves, but the drow servants of Lolth.
Drow, by reputation, were almost entirely evil. The drow society nominally had two purposes, called "the First and Second Part of the Destiny of the People". The former was about forcing all other races of the Underdark into subservience, while the latter was about driving the entire elven population into extinction. To achieve this Lolth promoted perpetual infighting and violent competition, so that the constant training would make them stronger and smarter. However, the extreme, self-destructive degree to which this was taken prevented the drow from achieving either of their purposes, barring possibilities for significant growth. In fact, despite her rhetoric, Lolth merely enjoyed the infighting that she promoted and put no effort into reaching the supposed goals.
Drow rarely come to the surface, for most are too proud to return defeated to the sun-drenched lands of the Green Goddess, even to escape the madness of the underworld. Nevertheless, some still choose this dishonorable path. Those that travel to Riveru seeking redemption are executed before they enter the gates. The drow that return to their original homeland are welcomed by the wood elves, but only after renouncing Lolth and embracing Eldath once again. Others seek to join the Hunters Guild, as a way of atoning for their races' past sins by slaying the corruption that seeps into other creatures, like it did to their ancestors.

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