Condition: Tarred Condition in Monster Hunter | World Anvil
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Condition: Tarred

A creature, object, or area who is tarred, is covered in a dark brown or black viscous liquid. This liquid sticks to anything it touches and is highly flammable.
  • A creature who is tarred is restrained, immune to being disarmed, and cannot use an object or weapon not already in hand.
  • A tarred Object cannot be moved or used.
  • An area that is tarred is considered difficult terrain.
  • The condition ends if a creature, object, or area that has this condition takes fire damage. When the condition ends in this way the creature, object, or area ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire , the target takes 6 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its turns.
  • When an area ignites, any object or creature in that area also ignites.
  • An area that ignites in this way burns for 1 minute.

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