Reptilians Species in Monster Earth | World Anvil
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Precursor civilisations turn out to have been a thing. Prior to humans showing up, a race based upon the Dinosaurs was set up on the planet. However, they ended up going into hiding after they were finding some "hairless" (relatively hairless at least) primates were regularly stealing their camping kits that they gave to their youth camping groups.


These primates were cousins to the precursors of Howler Monkeys--and the ancestors of humans. Where as before--camping trips had to deal with these hairless primates throwing their feces at the children and adults--now these hairless primates had the ability to light their feces on fire and then throw it at the children and adults. These hairless primates would mimick various tools the Reptilians would make--and this ultimately drove the Reptilians into hiding.


No matter what the Reptilians could do--the world was filling with noisy mammals throwing flaming poop at everything. They could not stop it--as it is one of the most unstoppable forces--monkeys with flaming poop, that is.


The Reptilians had lived through world destroying events. Changes in Atmosphere contents, ice ages, asteroids, massive volcano bursts and several other events that would destroy most civilisations. However--none of those are primates with the ability to light their poop on fire before throwing it at them. The Reptilians moved in two separate directions.


The Subterranean Reptilians moved deep underground with entrances to their cities in remote areas that were fatal to the majority of the hairless primates... making it less likely that the hairless primates would set up one of their flaming poop orgies nearby their homes. The Subterranean Reptilians would later join the mixed civilisation that would end up happening at the end of the masquerade.


The Space Reptilians in Space continued running their space colonies--which had gotten fairly self sufficient. They would continue to run all self-sufficiently, until the Mongolians ended up successfully getting into space. At which point, they lost communications with the Subterranean Reptilians... and were enslaved by the Space Mongolians.


The Aquatic Reptilians lost communications with both of those long before the Primates messed up what the Reptilians had in the world.

Basic Information


  • Bipedal
  • Feathers instead of hair
  • Scales under the feathers
  • Some groups have more feathers than others
  • Feathers limited to on top of the head, around the groin, armpits, chest, back and thighs
  • Knees and elbows bend opposite of humans
  • Scales can look fairly similar to how skin looks on humans, unless you look at it really really closely (even then, it can be hard to tell apart)
  • Scaled skin can be softer than human skin
  • Feathers can be rather long an narrow--making them seem similar to hair
  • Forehead shape can be similar to humans of African Descent and humans of First Nations Descent
  • Eyes can seem slightly big--but really are not
  • Noses tend to be flatter
  • Have Sphincter Cloacas
  • Talons instead of fingernails/toenails
  • No teeth--but have something in their mouth that can look similar to teeth
  • Tongues are really long
  • Heterochromatic Eyes are the normal--with Homochromatic Eyes being rare
  • Ears are just holes on the sides of their heads--though they will often wear devices to help gather sound to the ear more effectively (which sit on nubs around the ears)
  • Bones are often hollow compared to humans
  • Have no belly buttons
  • Eggs hatch inside their genitalia, making it seem like they give life birth (there is a term for this)
  • Vision centers of the brain are more attached to their nose and tongue than their eyes

Biological Traits

Precursor Civilisation based on Dinosaurs! xD

Genetics and Reproduction

Species reproduces via eggs being fertilised inside the mother, who them carries the eggs around inside her. The eggs hatch inside the mother, and once the young gets to be a certain size, is pushed out the mother's cloaca. The father typically is expected to take care of the child.

Males typically have multiple penises hidden inside their cloaca. This is mostly so they can last long enough to not be viewed as too weak genetically. Though social systems have made this less about a genetic trait... and more about cultural notions that are bias towards how this species functions.

They are genetically compatible with humans--but this is mostly just due to advanced technology having become so common in everyday usage that most of them are unable to comprehend life without it.

Ecology and Habitats

NOT having flaming feces thrown at them


Typically they have set up technology that allows them to make artificial terrariums that they can set up homes inside. Preferring more humid weather--they are also more than okay with more arid climates. Going down to personal preferences. Space Mongolians have noticed they are less testy and more happy if plant life is common in their rooms. Though, due to the circumstances most Subterranian Reptilians and Aquatic Reptilians tend to do without the plant life--which they tend to be more moody and inclined towards anger.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Typically more meat based stuff, they do eat a some vegetation.


They also need to eat rocks every now and again, to help their digestion track handle its stuff. Rocks are viewed similar to how humans handle fibre and "roughage". With "Pro-biotic Rocks" being sold in a similar to how Pro-biotic Yogurt is sold to humans--except Pro-biotic Yogurt is just a scam.


Eating bread, rice and alcohol is highly toxic for them--and is inclined to cause major health concerns. Chocolate is also toxic to them, to a lesser extent. Some suggest humans eating Chocolate was a way to discover interloper Reptilians in the human populations... though the reality is that humans are just insane primates that throw flaming poop.

Biological Cycle

While "Cold Blooded" is not a real biological term--their alertness is highly influenced by the temperature... as is how their circulatory system works. Being more sluggish at colder temperatures and more energetic/perky at warmer temperatures.

They have a somewhat longer life span than humans--and reach sexual maturity at a bit later of an age than humans due to this. They, however, never stop being sexually mature until they die.

Once a year, they molt all their feathers and shed all of their skin. Eating their shed skin is consider a social faux pass--right up there with humans eating boogers.

Additional Information


Space Reptilians have been enslaved by Space Mongolia. They tend to be less aggressive, more reserved and typically understanding that life is hell. They are not openly mouthy--but tend to be inclined to make passive-aggressive remarks and various micro-aggressions. They keep those to a minimum, as the Space Mongolians will take them seriously (even though they know what is up) if they are getting too overly annoyed with them.

Think how Kip reacts to Captain Zap Brannigan in Futurama. Except the Space Mongolians are more Intelligent Hedonists with no fucks to give, as oppose to being stupid like Captain Brannigan.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Space Reptilians are exploited for the various Hedonistic amusements of the Space Mongolians. They also tend to be mounted with saddles and ridden around by the Space Mongolians.

Facial characteristics

Similar to humans... except they lack ears... and have feathers where humans have hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly found in the deepest trenches, under various mountain ranges and IIIIIINNNNN SPPPPPAAAACCCCEEEE

Average Intelligence

They are all clever girls... except the boys are air heads--though still highly intelligent air heads.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very astute vision, hearing could be better, very sensitive to temperature changes, decent psionic abilities, sensitive to touch, prefer to use smell to navigate

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Women are typically viewed as being strong, angry and squawky. With more drab colours that can blend into things better--so as to better kill prey. Appearances on women are preferred based upon how easily the woman could flank something, and draw a talon along their gullet spilling out their delicious inerds.

Male beauty standards are based upon how loud and squawky they are--with bright colours and plumage being quite present. Struts being common. With male beauty being based upon how easily the females can find them and jump ontop of them. With children mimicking their attack-hunts onto their fathers.

Rough housing is part of child rearing and courtship rituals--and is on par with cuddling for humans.

Gender Ideals

Women are generally in control of society--being more inclined to know how to indirectly go towards things. With males being put in a position of bewildering and distracting people.

Males are typically viewed to be "bait" and a "distraction" to cause stuff to drool over them... so that the females can much easier find and kill the things being distracted by the male display.

Women are usually around at most times--with their presence only allowed to be made known, when they deem it important to remind people they are in the shadows. Doing the important work.

Courtship Ideals

Wrassling is usually considered a very important part of courtship. With being able to give a decent full nelson or head lock being highly attractive.

Loud songs are usually made out--talking about how good they are at sex and how this current region is theirs. With courtship usually coming about as a form of contesting whether they are accurate in how much of that region is their own region. Though... so does many homosexual relations as well.

The more able a woman is to be able to stealth around--and make themselves been seen at the right moment, the more attractive she is. It is not just about being invisible--it is about being able to make oneself seen at the most prime moment to get the appropriate results.

Men on the other hand do their best to look shiny, and really really distracting. In part to try to trick women out of hiding--but also to draw the attention of women into hiding nearby them.

Relationship Ideals

Imagine several really really beautiful brightly coloured males. Now do not imagine the large amount of invisible at their choice killer women surrounded and encircling these males at most times. Now, imagine that the males being "Daddy" material is based upon how likely the children would make fun of the Daddy and beat up the Daddy.

If you are a male, and not ridiculously awkward, gangly and gawky... you will probably be made dead and food. If you are a female, and not able to make yourself invisible at your own will... you will probably be made dead and food

Though "dead and food" more translates to being a social pariah than to be taken literally.

Average Technological Level

Ridiculous advanced


An off shoot of various raptor dinosaur species. They are a form of precursor species to roam the Earth. Using their clever girl abilities, they survived and thrived through several major changes in Earth's Atmospheric Composition, Volcanic Events, Asteroids and many many Extinction Events. Most of their technology is meant to act as a temporary means--and thus is not inclined to fossilise or show up in sedemintary layers that easily.

Humans gained fire by stealing various camping kits the Reptilians gave to their youth for recreational stays in the great out doors. Humans eventually started being able to maintain fire on their own--and the Reptilians ended up being overwhelmed by pre-historic mankind (well, pre-historic by human standards) throwing flaming poop at them. As oppose to the ordinary poop that was thrown at them before.

The Reptilians, except the Aquatic Reptilians, ended up fleeing underground and into space. The Space Reptilians were eventually enslaved by Space Mongolia.

The Subterranean Reptilians ended up getting mixed up with various other Monsters and Cryptids--and ended up having working relations with them. If only due to them wanting to avoid the flaming poop flinging primates that would eventually be better known as "Humans"

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Space Reptilians have been enslaved by Space Mongolians. There are hybrid children from this that are also slaves.

The others will have relations with other creatures--provided those creatures make their standards.

Subterranean, Space, Aquatic
Average Height
0.9-1.1 m, 2.4-3.1m, 1.2-1.7m
Average Physique
They tend to be rather slender--muscles more built for high levels of endurance. With their bones being hollow, their builds are more to have their muscles doing most of the work.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their bodies tend to be more orange and red... with some in the area of yellow. Their feathers are vibrant in the males--but more just brown, black and blonde in the female populations.
Related Ethnicities

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