Carnival of Time Tradition / Ritual in Modern Hyrule | World Anvil
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Carnival of Time


The Carnival of Time has unclear origins. Many Hyruleans would agree that was adopted from "somewhere else," but no one can quite pinpoint from where.

Components and tools

A big part of the Carnival of Time is the creation and wearing of elaborate painted wooden masks. These masks can represent Golden Goddesses, historic Sages of the past, the Hero, Champions, etc.; anyone of mythical or historic significance. Many stores will sell pre-carved masks prior to the Carnival, meant to be painted at home, but some people like to go the extra mile and carve their own masks.


The Carnival of Time is Hyrule's celebration of the new year, and occurs on the first day of the rising year, in what we'd recognize as early spring. The concept of the orderly progression of time is important in Hyrulean culture (as evidenced by the name of the nation's preeminent cathedral, the Temple of Time), and so the proper arrival of a new year is something to be celebrated.
Although the holiday does have religious importance, it is also very much a time for merriment, and many communities put on elaborate carnivals full of amusements and live performances. Festivities last from sun-up to sun-down.

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