Mk.v History of the Monkilli Timeline
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History of the Monkilli

A General History of Monkilli Migrations and Cultures

First Migration

1 140

Period Marked by the First Monkilli Migrations

  • 1 Mig-1

    47 Mig-1

    The Great Deathwalk
    Population Migration / Travel

    The violent creation of the Ashlands forces the monkilli who had heretofore lived there to abandon the fiery environment and migrate northwards. Thousands of monkilli perish during the exodus, first to the fire and brimstone of the Ashlands, then to the harsh mountainous pathways and winters they crossed in order to leave the Ashlands, and then many perished to disease as mountains gave way to seemingly endless swamplands with hostile natives, followed by another mountain crossing. The monkilli then found themselves in Yaerna's Unbroken Woods, and they spent decades wandering through the thick woodlands until at last they settled in its western regions.

  • 2 Mig-1

    6 Mig-1

    The Peaceland Walk
    Population Migration / Travel

    While most monkilli journeyed northward, a smaller group was cut off from the others and wandered for a while in the Ashlands. After a year of wandering, one of the young females of the gorilla caste claimed that she had seen a great vision of a great land of peace and plenty in the east, and so she led them eastward and they crossed the mountains. They eventually reach the southern boundaries of the Ariran Lands in Year 6.

  • 7 Mig-1

    100 Mig-1

    The Peacelander State

    The rise, growth, and fall of the monkilli Peacelander State on the southern fringes of the Ariran Lands and northern regions of the Frosted Lands. The state had a largely pacifistic religion, believing that the 'ancient race' whom they were commanded to destroy perished during the creation of the Ashlands. A matriarchal theocratic merchant state, it made use of its location to secure goods from the Frosted Lands and near the Ashlands before trading them with its northerly neighbours, particularly the dirham. In year 100 the ketto warlord Ko-sen conquered the region, dispersing up to 45% of the monkilli population across ketto territories, settling ketto amongst the remaining monkilli, and permanently abolishing the Peacelander State.

  • 56 Mig-1

    First Wildhunter
    Religious event

    Wild Feather, a renowned mandrill monkilli, is the first monkilli - and perhaps even sapient - to partake in the goddess Yaerna's Wild Hunt, a 96-day hunt in the Unbroken Woods. His return is cause for honour and jubilation, and succeeding years see more monkilli of all castes partake in the hunt. Those who are successful gain the honorary title of Wildhunter.

  • 60 Mig-1

    67 Mig-1

    Expansion of the Falconites
    Military action

    First contact between the monkilli of the Unbroken Woods and the Falconites comes in the form of encounters between Falconite scouts and monkilli hunting parties. As fanatical Falconites begin settling further and further westward, the monkilli launch raids against them and a state of permanent, low-intensity war becomes the norm between them. The dormant monkilli anti-human theology is awakened and the encounter causes a religio-intellectual awakening that very swiftly descends into hostilities and mutual condemnations and persecutions. The generational 'head-raid' tradition, a monkilli rite of passage that demands boys on the cusp of manhood go forth and take a human head, is first attested to during this period in the Unbroken Woods.

  • 87 Mig-1

    Establishment of the Wildhunter Troop

    The Wildhunter Troop, an order of monkilli who have successfully partaken in the Wild Hunt and earned the Wildhunter title, is established. The Troop is highly decentralised and leaders - known as Troopchiefs - are elected on a per-raid basis. These bands come to form the elite core of the Unbroken Wood monkilli military, the bane of the western Falconite domains.

  • 101 Mig-1

    317 Mig-1

    Kettoisation of the Peacelanders
    Cultural event

    Over this lengthy period - which encompasses the rule of Ko-sen, the Warlord Era, the Cromwell Supremacy, and the beginning of the Elective Monarchy - the monkilli of the Idylls undergo a steady process of kettoisation. They slowly shed off their traditional religion and its pacifistic trappings and instead take up the Cyclican faith and martial ketto culture.

  • 131 Mig-1

    133 Mig-1

    Pilgrimage of the Keepers
    Population Migration / Travel

    The monkilli population that had been forcefully transferred to the northern Idylls, amongst the brynlic, had proven resistant to assimilation - perhaps due to the traditional Peacelander ruling and religious strata being amongst them. In wake of the chaos caused by warlord Ko-sen's death this population took the opportunity to gather itself up and migrate northward, eventually settling in the Red City. These 'Keepers of the Old Ways' continued to hold to the pacifistic Peacelander religion and brought their trading experience and expertise to the Red City.

Second Migration

141 220

Period Marked by the Monkilli Migration into the Western Wildlands, Crystal Plains, and Northern Deserts

  • 141 Mig-2

    154 Mig-2

    The Banishment of the Heretics
    Population Migration / Travel

    Frictions within the monkilli society of the Unbroken Woods surrounding religious interpretations and the divinely mandated duties of their people come to a head. The established religious authorities clamp down on what they perceive as heretical strands and entire clans are banished either into the Western Wildlands or away to the Crystal Plains.

  • 142 Mig-2

    155 Mig-2

    Monkilli Invasions of the Western Wilds
    Population Migration / Travel

    Waves of monkilli migrants, banished from the Unbroken Woods or escaping religious persecution, make their way into the Western Wilds - home to disparate nomadic tribes and dwarves. The first of these waves arrives in 142 and settles at the peripheries of the Wilds. Subsequent waves push the monkilli population further and further in, and by the final migratory wave in 155 the monkilli have established their presence and control over the northern and eastern portions of the Wilds.

  • 156 Mig-2

    158 Mig-2

    The Northern War
    Military action

    The successes of the monkilli invasion of the Western Wilds is checked in the northern regions of the Wilds as the dwarves and nomads ally and begin pushing the monkilli back. The pivotal battle of Lake Cett sees the alliance's forces rout the monkilli forces, which were then harried until they reached the relative safety of the jungles. The jungle edge would from then mark the boundary between the Kingdom of Sceteal and the nascent monkillii state in the region.

  • 159 Mig-2

    163 Mig-2

    The Kral-Kopaz Expedition
    Military action

    The dwarves of Kral-Kopaz finally heed the cries for aid from their besieged western kinsmen, and a great dwarven expedition crosses the mountains and swiftly penetrates the soft underside of monkilli holdings in the Western Wildlands. By the time monkilli forces arrive from the north, the dwarves have fortified their cities and are able to put up a stout defence, against which the monkilli have no hope. The nascent monkilli state is thus cut in half. The northern territory (the future Union of the Great Shield) eventually makes peace with its neighbours and develops relatively friendly relations with them, while the southern territory (the future Knightdom of the Deathlaw) maintained a hostile relationship with all neighbours built around an uncompromising interpretation of traditional monkilli religion.

  • 168 Mig-2

    220 Mig-2

    The Slow Flight
    Population Migration / Travel

    The monkilli of the Crystal Plains quickly find themselves at the mercy of strange cultists who worship the goddess Wyn. These are immediately hostile to the monkilli, whom they view as inferior and ugly beings, and take to kidnapping and experimenting on them. There is a constant state of hostilities and skirmishes between the monkilli population of the Crystal Plains and these cultists, but from 168 a slow trickle of monkilli begin migrating into the northern deserts of the Osshur Empire. By 220 there is no longer any monkilli presence on the Crystal Plains.

  • 176 Mig-2

    First Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    First Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 190 Mig-2

    Second Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Second Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 209 Mig-2

    Third Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Third Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

Latter-day Times

221 and beyond

History of the Monkilli after the Last Migrations

  • 230 LDT

    Fourth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Fourth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 248 LDT

    Fifth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Fifth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 265 LDT

    Sixth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Sixth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 283 LDT

    Seventh Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Seventh Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 301 LDT

    Eighth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Eighth  Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 320 LDT

    Ninth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Ninth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 339 LDT

    Tenth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Tenth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 357 LDT

    Eleventh Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Eleventh Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 378 LDT

    Twelfth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Twelfth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 395 LDT

    Thirteenth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Twelfth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 416 LDT

    Fourteenth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Fourteenth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.

  • 434 LDT

    Fifteenth Deathlaw Head-raid
    Military action

    Fourteenth Deathlaw Head-raid into neighbouring nations.