Ogres Species in Mirydain | World Anvil
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Ogres are a race of wild, cruel creatures that dwell in the marshlands near Malgrond. Many of them are servants for the Dark King of Malgrond and serve him as warriors.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Ogres are described as large, ugly monsters with sickly skin, rotund bellies, and thick legs and broad feet. Their eyes and ears are rather weak, so they typically rely on smell to hunt. Ogres are quite hairy and have a very unpleasant odor about them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ogres are conceived through natural contact and are born within a year and a half of their conception.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ogres grow at a slow rate, barely reaching a foot tall by their first year. By their ninth year, their height reaches only four feet. Upon their maturity at eighteen, Ogres reach their maximum height of eight feet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ogres are carnivorous beasts and typically catch whatever prey they can find. They are known to prey upon Men and Dwarves and will try to attack Elves, but Elves are harder to catch.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ogres inhabit the marshlands near Malgrond and northwest of the lands of the Hobs and Elves.

Average Intelligence

Ogres are not very intelligent as they do not build and can neither read nor write. However, their strength makes them capable of working in the forges of Dinas Trolgar for the Dark King.
60-80 years
Average Height
8 ft.
Average Weight
1,500-2,400 lbs.

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