Central Miro/ Echarin Geographic Location in Miro | World Anvil
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Central Miro/ Echarin


  A high, dry, generally uninhabitable tundra, bordered by the Esti and Luvalu mountains. The dirt is starved for nutrition and the only true benefit of the land is a great deposits of stone and salt easily accessible. It does however have an incredibly wide river known as Tirsanal where the majority of cities are arranged across  


  The number and variety of chasms in the Central lands has made it very dangerous, but has also led to some highly interesting geological formations, such as the cliffs of Duval, and the basalt columns of Felun. It also has many natural canyons.  


  The uninhabitable central lands have a habit of being the home of exiles from the north, which has been the basis of both nations that have found their place. The first was wiped out after the Fracture but the second has become the largest empire on Miro. The Kiraruan Empire is the sole empire on the central lands, and supposedly also controls the entire north though this is untrue.
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