Armoured Moss Fabric Material in Miradesh | World Anvil
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Armoured Moss Fabric

"The people native to this area have a strange, but highly effective type of armour. It looks like they are wearing a thick carpet of plants. It's soft to the touch but stiffens up under a fist or blade. Unfortunately, it doesn't travel well." -Albeshian Trader's Journal


Material Characteristics

This fabric is made of interlocking rings of a woody plant covered in a green moss. It is soft to the touch and maliable, although a bit damp. It is usually green although it can have a hue ranging from orange to red depending of where the material is sourced. As it decays it turns Brown and brittle.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The most interesting and sought after property of fabrics made from armour moss is it's incredible durability. While soft and maliable usually, armour moss fabrics harden when impact, providing a decent level of protection.


Armour moss fabrics can be used like any other cloth. However, it's protective properties are most effective in larger pieces.

Geology & Geography

Armour moss grows only in the marshes of Grya and has never been successfully transplanted. After it has been harvested it has to be constantly tended to and worn. Druids have had the most success with this.

Origin & Source

Armour moss grows in wet marshes along the base of the Kiprose mountain range. The ring shaped flower is removed and each ring cut and woven together like chain mail. Then the fabric is submerged in the marsh for several days as the rings grow back together.

Life & Expiration

Armour moss cloth does not last long outside the humid climate of the Grya marshes. Only people skilled in nature magic can keep this armour alive for long enough to be of use.
Armour moss cloth smells earthy.
Armour moss has a bitter taste and is strangely chewy.
Green, red, orange

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