Æsir in Mihr | World Anvil
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"So the greatest god they have hung himself for nine days as a sacrifice to himself?"

The Æsir Faith is the main religion in the Mihr Empire and also exists outside of it as well. The Mihr empire worships primarily Odin and the valkyries due to Odin being the All Father and the valkyries being the protectors of Mihr. The founder of the empire, Mihr who the empire is named after, is believed to have ascended to become a valkyrie upon her death in a battle against dragons. Upon losing their beloved founder and unifier the Mihrnans swore to forever guard the lands from dragons and all their serfs leading to creatures such as the dragonborn, tieflings, and kobolds being hunted and slaughtered over the whole empire until a decree was made against it by emperor Traust in the year of 114. Dragons have not been seen in Mihr since its founding. There are many more gods that are worshipped throughout the empire as different people seek solace in gods that can grant them their wishes. Soldiers turn to Tyr and Thor for strength in war while a hopeless romantic might seek help from Freyr or Freyja. The pagan aspect of the faith has made many places throughout Mihr to have their own unique rituals and ceremonies as well as adopt gods that are not common among the Æsir Faith in other places.  

Vé is what the shrine and temples dedicated to the Æsirs are called. These can be as small as a totem with a spot for offerings, which also are called blot though blot, or bigger than a barn. It all depends on the city it is in, and what god the vé is dedicated to. Vés tend to have symbols that easily point out which gods they are dedicated. A small one raised in Odin's name might be as simple as a spear in the ground with a small raven statuette by it. A grand temple might have a statue of the all father hanging from Yggdrasil as well as statues of his ravens, Hugin and Munin, be placed around to guard the place. Another god such as Freyr might have depictions of love making and wealth in their vés instead. What you'll always find in a vé is a spot for blot to be given. The larger ones tend to be places for cermons and festivals to be held in. The larger vés are tended to by gothis that function as the holy figures that commune with the gods and teach the faith to the commoners. Gothis are held in high regard and are usually more than just a holy figure as the god they have devoted themselves to may demand them to first be a skilled warrior or a wise sage before being granted the title of gothi. A gothi of Thor will be very different from one serving Loki or Baldr.  

Deities only found in Mihr


  She was a woman born by the gate river and raised in a tribe around it. Her tribe struggled with keeping their territory. Having been backed as far south as any sensible human settlement would dare to travel, they were stuck paying tribute to the northern kingdoms while fending off creatures from the south. The need for soldiers put everyone but children and their mothers at the front to face the men of the north and the southern beasts. Recently they didn't even have time to celebrate nioblot as the northern kingdoms had abandoned that tradition and the truce they used to have during it. For those that knew her during her youth they would tell all that she might not be skilled but has the ferocity and passion to compensate for it during battles. During her 19th year of life as the nioblot festival raged on, having grown far smaller than the last one, she heard the voice of the All Father speak to her. Telling her that if she sacrificed herself to him and lived he'd give her the secrets to creating an empire that will be safe from the persecution of the northern kingdoms and the dangerous creatures of the south. No longer would she have to fear for her life with each day, and no longer would anyone other than he rule over her tribe. She questioned the voice for hours as she struggled to figure out if it truly was his voice or of the malicious trickster god Loki. The voice answered questions only she could know the answer to, and after a few of these she realised only the All Father who sacrificed himself for knowledge of everything would possibly know those answers. With that she threw herself upon her spear. Piercing her own heart in the middle of the feast. She managed to survive with help from the tribe's gothi who was an old sage. Odin was pleased as he shared the secrets for her to conquer her enemies and fend off the beasts to the south, and for nine years she fought to create her empire and succeeded. Her death came the day after the next nioblot as she ventured south to fight the dragons. With that she was welcomed to Asgard as a valkyrie to serve Odin forever.   Mihr is seen as the empire's very own protector and has many statues made in her name. The gates to the capital are adorned by statues of her to remind people of who it is that guards this sacred place. Many pray to her for safe journeys, strength and good fortune. Worship towards her as a god is limited however as she is seen as a tool of Odin and much prayer in her name is also directed towards him.  

Leika & Lerka

These twins' origins are unknown but symbols and altars as old as parts of Uldiff have been found dedicated to the twins, and their relevance in the eyes of Mihr has remained through the ages. They are said to be the ones who walk every mortal to Nifelheim, also known as Hel or Helheim, when they die a peaceful death. Illustrations of the twins walking the dead to their new home can often be found at graveyards. The two have no festivals or days dedicated to them but their role as the guide to the afterlife makes sure no one ever forgets them unless they wish for their journey to the beyond to be a perilous one.  

The Worlds Surrounding Yggdrasil

Those that believe in the Æsir Faith also believe in the world tree Yggdrasil that all of creation is built around. They believe themselves to be living around Midgård which is around the tree's base. Giants, faeries, elementals, and väsen are all thought to come from Utgårda where the world is far wilder and emotions can become magic. Utgårda is in the same height as midgård but far further from the base of the tree. The Æsir gods stay up in Asgård which is their domain high up in the tree. This region of the tree is also referred to as krongårda as other gods reside up here as well such as the vanir gods and many more that can be found in this world. The last part of the world tree is the roots. Down here, which is frequently called Rotgårda, you find Helheim and tunnels that lead to where the evil dragon Nidhögg resides. There are many more creatures that lurk in the deep such as dead and forgotten gods with the souls of their followers, but most try not to think of their existence and Hel makes sure none leave without her permission.

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Author's Notes

The faith of this world is inspired by that of norse mythology but with a few changes or clarifications since the most accurate source for this faith was written by Snorri Stureson. He was a man born 200 years after his country, Iceland, was made Christian. So if something doesn't fit your image of norse mythos then it might just be differing sources or even worse, I just homebrewed it.

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