Astris Character in Midir | World Anvil
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A knight of the great Triton kingdom of Tiamari, Astris is on a quest to prove himself in order to marry the love of his life, the Princess Natassa. He was given three tasks, to fight the hydra, rescue lost explorer and find a powerful artifact.

local dumbass on a quest for love

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Lawful Good
Date of Birth
7th July 1324
green like sea weed, always slightly wet, has salt in it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light blue
182 lbs

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7th September, 1349

My love,   I now see that the world above is not so different from ours. Vulcrom is a bigger city than Tiamari but it has many of the same problems. The leaders care much about themselves and little about anyone else. We've been in the slums and they reminded me of the Edge a lot. The dangers there might not be as obvious as I'm used to but there are criminals and the living conditions are horrendous. I don't know what to do about this. Large scale changes need to happen here. I wish I had some of your wisdom as I'm struggling with the approach of some of my crew mates. They are okay with breaking the law and harming people of the upper class. I just don't believe that individuals are the reason for the injustice we seen and can be blamed for it. I have now met Bo's maybe boyfriend Cascade. He is a high ranking member of the guard and the navy. Unfortunately, he reminds me of some of the knights who trained me and believe themselves better than others. I had hoped that his love for Bo would be more important to him to his ego but sadly it was not. Since he is not my superior though, I can speak out against his treatent of Bo who risked a lot during that visit. I'm glad that this has never been an issue between us. We are about to catch some of the criminals planning to do a heist in the seat of power and bring them to justice. This will hopefully not only put a stop to the plans of the Madame but also convince Cascade that he should trust Bo. You would love the dress clothes that we bought for the fancy party we're going to. I'll keep them to show to you when we meet again.   Always yours, Astris

3rd September, 1349

My love,   everyday I get to know these people better and better. Bo has found love in this city and I am reminded of our first dates. He has the same excitement and nerves that I had the day before and I'm sure you felt the same. I remember everything of that night from the seeweed forest to the corals to your eyes and smile. I only hope that his relationship will be so full of love as ours is. Our captain, Meryll, struggles with her position. Not only does Bo's past catch up with him but we have another new crew member. He is a fighter but I think he fights not with his sword but against it. A weapon should be a warriors best friend as it protects him and his allies and all that he believes for but this weapon is cursed. It feeds on its victims and has a mind of its own. Have you ever heard anything like that? The crew decided to help him, as I knew they would, and get rid of this sword. To banish it would be the best I think as it is evil and using it will only strenghthen it. However, if that fails and as I have yet no idea how to achieve such a thing, Covenant will have to be stronger than this curse he has to deal with. It is a hard fight for him, everyone can see that, but the fact that he has chosen to fight shows the good in his heart. After all, a weapon is only a tool and he who wields it chooses how to use its power. I'm sure the good will prevail and I will help him if he struggles. Of course this means that Meryll has a lot to deal with. I think of you and the responsibility you carry. I know you sometimes feel this as well and that you rely on your friends, your family and those you trust. I'll try to carry some of her weight as I did with you when I was still close. It feels like months but I have only been gone for ten days. I think of you every day and I hope you do too. No fight is endless even if this is only the beginning.   Always yours Astris

2nd September, 1349

My dearest Natassa,   my first day in Vulcrom was an exciting one. I leaned a lot about life in this city and about my new friends. They really are heroes. They fought devils and saved an entire village from oppression. I can only hope to be as great as them someday. Until then I will do my best to learn from them. I have met a person here who is able to make arms and legs out of metal and magic. He said they even work under water! I send you his business card in case you want to contact him. His services would certainly be of great use to the many wounded in the defense against the Dark Below. He also makes great tea. That is heated water flavored with plants parts and it is delicious. Yet another person I met is a very powerful wizard. She sees the future and she told me that I will succeed in my tasks. I cannot wait to be reunited with you my love! She will try to gather information about Wharlen. I'll write to you sa soon as I have news about him. Our next mission will take us to Druemont where we will attempt to find some information to help a young lady. I cannot tell you more about this because I swore to keep the details from anyone.   With deepest love Astris

2nd September, 1349

My love,   my grand adventure is now well underway as I have made the aquaintance of some brave and renowned heroes of the Above. As I described in my last letter, I was on a mission to save a plantation infested with stirges. However, as I arrived there I found the threat had already been taken care of. They had killed the mosters which turned out to be mosquitoes, no doubt horrible monsters, and saved two children from certain death. The names of these heroes are Meryll, who is a very talented fighter, Grim, a person related to the birds, and Bo, a cat like individual whose many injuries speak of his untold heroic deeds. They have kindly invited to travel with them on their boat and even offered to assist me in my trial. I have already lerned a great deal fom them. The abstract concept of using wind to move a ship is now clearer to me as they showed me every detail of their ship. Grim tried to explained to me what a "drug trip" is but I have not yet had any practical with those drugs. Bo is grieving the loss of a dear friend of his and has been rather quiet. I'm sure we'll all become great friends as I get to know them. We are soon going to teleport to the city of Vulcrom. Bo wants to meet a friend there who will either shoot him or make him a new leg. There seems to be a lot of history there but I promised to protect him from anyone who might want to harm him. They have also told me about a powerful wizard who could know about one of my tasks.   I'm optimistic that I will soon have my first lead on one of the tasks and that I will be able to take them on with the support of my new friends. I cannot wait to stand side by side with them in battle. For now, I look forward to seeing Vulcrom and the many wonders it holds.   There is not one hour I do not think of you   Always yours Astris

24th August 1349

My love,   the Above is strange and wonderful. I think you would love it. The air is warm and the wind is tickling my skin. You can see for miles and everything is very bright. It takes a while to get used to walking in the city. Everyone stays on the landfloor only the birds swim around in the air. I have to say I envy them. I don't understand how the people here can be content with staying on the ground when the sky is so beautiful. Did you know clouds look like the finest foam, soft and fragile. I would love to touch them. The people look very different from us. Their skin is so colorful, from brown to white some are red or green or gray. Most of them speak the common language and thanks to your lessons I have been able to communicate with them. I shall now be on my first quest here. In the settlement I arrived in there was a notice board. It told of a plantation infested with monsters called "stirges" and pleading for help for the people that live there as disease has been spreading. I will go there and offer my assistance in slaying these dreadful beasts. I already negotiated with a lovely pair of dolphins who will take me there in the morning. Have no doubt I will send word of my adventures there with my next letter. I entrust this message to the octopus - you have probably met by now - to deliver and am sure you will reward him for his service.   I miss your laughter as there is no sound quite as sweet up here.   Always yours   Astris       (all of this is written in Aquan)


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