Eclef Character in Middle Earth - Arda | World Anvil
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A sickening crunch, an inhuman scream, panic set in on the dockside. Soon the kegs have been moved from the unfortunate. A burly, dark-haired man kneels down beside the injured docker, his eyes scan the damaged limb. Quickly, he gives the patient a sip from a flask he carries on his hip and watches until the man's eyes glaze. With soft, deft hands he works quickly cleaning the wound site, setting the broken bone and binding the wounded legs. Soon he has finished and fellow dockers have made a makeshift stretcher to carry the invalid to the hospice. Eclef returns his spare bandages to the satchel he always carries with him, accepting the thanks of his fellow dockworkers with good grace.   Eclef is a good friend on Hrothgar's; they both met in Caras when Hrothgar first took possession of the Captain's Daughter. In the local community, Eclef is held in some regard, this is because of his skill as a healer. His mother was a member of the Sisters of Nienna and so from her, he has learnt many of the healing arts. After the opening up of the passages to the Underdeeps Eclef supplements his income as a docker by selling first aid kits and providing healing services to those who have met with "accidents" below ground.


Contacts & Relations

Hrothgar is a firm companion and the pair is often found of an evening in the Captain's daughter.
Current Residence
Caras Celairnen - Shore District

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