Quedra Organization in Midavel | World Anvil
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Quedra is a country of academics and intellectuals drawn from all over the continent. Four great cities each support a major university, and the city that acts as the capital changes yearly, rotating among the four. The scholars of Quedra fight bitterly over arcane academic matters, but always support one another against outsiders. Quedra only joined the Great War after the involvement of Ardatril, a fact many still hold against them.

The Provost Council, made up of the heads of the Four Academies, rules Quedra. The nation's capital shifts from city to city on January 1st of every year; the provost of that city holds the tiebreaking vote among her peers.


The Universities

All the World's Knowledge

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Legislative Body
The Provost Council
Neighboring Nations
About 10 million
State Religion

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