Reeker Condition in Mictlán | World Anvil
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There is a phenomenon that started to happen around the Society after the fist 150 cycles after the union, at some point at least one member of every species got affected by some sort of dementia. No one knows why but for some reason sometimes someone enters in a state of hysteria when traveling deep in the ether.   Investigators believe that is a dementia trigger by fear. There has been a recurrent problem were many fellas experience a growing fear when they have travel around the ether for to much time, a fear of the ether it self, like the vast of it the possibility of anything in it.


Deep space travel


The subject enter in a hysteria state and in a single moment tries to decimate every one around him and him self, studies propose that the subject doesn’t just want to kill the people around him at the moment of the event, but they try to dismantle, like they try to erase the others and then the subject will look for a way to kill him self that will destroy him as much as possible.


There is no treatment just a isolate the infected person as soon as possible.


It’s terminal it has kill any one who has it, and the only way it has been possible to treat or stop an afflicted fella it’s by confine him but eventually they always at the end manage to kill him self.


There is a law, not to travel for a period of time longer then 5 cycles. Any afflicted has been in the ether up to 13 cycles, although there is no guarantee, there has been cases of fellas getting reek even after only one travel, but the law has reduce cases but not eliminate them.

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