Thematic Anishan Fragmentation Condition in Miand'Mésvéstell | World Anvil

Thematic Anishan Fragmentation

Thematic Anishan Fragmentation — also known as TAF — is one of the most feared conditions of the Anishans. It not only breaks their minds but also their abstract self. What is left is nothing but a broken shell of what once was.  

The Name

Thematic Anishan Fragmentation

Thematic Anishan Fragmentation stands for the fact that the condition concern Anishans Thematic nature being Fragmented.
Its acronym — TAF — while used primarily in a clinical context is frowned upon while used in more lax terms. It almost have a derogatory air around it for most Anishans.  


Thragmatic is the portmanteau of the words Theme and Fragmented. It is used both clinically and in a more civilian context. Most Anishans see it as an acceptable alternative name for the condition, particularly because it is not as mouthful as Thematic Anishan Fragmentation nor as derogatory as TAF.
The slang variant of Thragmatic is known as Thragged and is mainly used by civilians in a way to ease the feared nature of the condition. It has slowly but surely become more accepted in a clinical context.  

Those it affects

Celestia Anishan

It primarily concerns the Celestia Anishans and the fact that they — despite their overall greater connection to the Force of Ani — have a severe difficulty going beyond the limits of their Theme; especially in regards to their Utrustica. While doable, it is something that goes against their own nature and has an overwhelming risk of resulting in sorrow.  

Tarrem Anishan

Tarrem Anishan has a possibility of receiving TAF as well, though for them to pass the threshold requires significantly more effort. But it is also a lot more manageable.  

Becoming afflicted

There are two primary ways Anishans may become afflicted with TAF: Either of their own doing or forced upon them.  


The former is least common and primarily because the act of an Anishan going beyond their Thematic Limit is extremely frowned upon unless done in a controlled and slow process that takes several decades at the very least. Not all wish to wait for so long to see tangible results, however, and take the chance. Most are fortunately found out in time and receives a berating, while a rare few are discovered too late.  

Forcefully Afflicted

The latter is, unfortunately, the most common and the most hated. It is primarily the Tarrem Anishan who suffers this fate, and the perpetrators are members of the Cult of Lamatshu.
How the process is done appears to differ from cell to cell, though it primarily concern mental breakdowns and excessive usage of Utrustica.
The end results, however, are almost always the same: Thragmented Anishans who have had their minds broken and become nothing more than leashed attack dogs to who serve their masters until their last breath.  

Fate of the Afflicted

here, unfortunately, only exist one possible fate for one who has become Thragmented: Death. Either the Anishan dies from the process itself, or they are euthanized after being recovered.
The latter may be postponed nigh-indefinetly to allow for attempts of recovery, but so-far not a single Anishan have managed to come back after going through the TAF process.  

The TAF:s

The TAF:s are those unfortunates who have become afflicted with the condition. They are also known as Thragged, with the most derogatory term being merely Muzzled Ones.
The latter came to be due to the actions of the Lamatshu Cult: After going through the TAF Procedure the Anishan become unstable and unpredictable and their worth as useful slaves was not something to be proud of.  

The TAF Muzzle

In order to come around this problem, certain members of the cult came together and crafted something that has become known as a TAF Muzzle. They essentially work similar in concept to the Azgehder Masks in that they are used to by the TAF:s to draw in Force of Ani directly into their lungs, which appear to have a calming effect on them and make them more lucid. Some have commented that it almost looks like they have been given sedatives.  

Selective Muteness

TAF:s are in such a shocked state after becoming Thragged that they essentially become mute. While they are capable of speaking, they rarely do so and may only say a few words at most. Most afflicted will simply make various growl noises, along with screams and whistles.  
Alternative Name
Anishan Thragmentation.
Connected To, Species
Connected To, Sacred Art
Connected To, Cult
Cult of Lamatshu.-
Inevitable end
Type, Foremost
Abstract Condition.
Type, Secondary
Mental Condition.
Type, Thirdly
Physical Condition.
Affected Demonym


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