Meterra The History of Meterra Timeline
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The History of Meterra

Meterra's Historical Timeline

The Viper's Hold

2500 OO 0 OO

  • -8 VH

    12 Hosri
    -8 VH

    25 Shanem

    The Bugbear Uprising

    Bugbear Matriarchs, driven to breaking point, took control of Red Mesa.

  • -1 VH


    The Shaking of The World
    Disaster / Destruction

    A vast explosion which destroyed much of Gardun's land, and which appears to have led to the retreat of The Serpentine Collective.

New Dawn

1 ND and beyond

  • 152 ND

    27 Shanem

    White Wolves Neutered

    The White Wolves are all but wiped out as the Crone's monstrosities come for it.

    Additional timelines
  • 152 ND

    24 Untavril

    Replacement of Chainforged
    Life, Death

    The Chainbroken leader of the Red Hand in Bassonne loses his life and is replaced by an Oblex.

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  • 152 ND

    7 Mercor

    First Light of the Nightwell
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A bright, sickly light has begun to burn from the Nightwell.

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  • 152 ND

    1 Laderie

    Ozrag/Godrun Union War Begins
    Military action

    Ozrag's forces have marched from their home to take what they deem theirs from the Godrun Union.

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  • 152 ND

    17 Laderie
    152 ND

    17 Laderie

    The Fulcrum ally with Priom Crana
    Diplomatic action

    The Fulcrum forge amicable relations with Priom Crana and encourage the giants to emerge from their mountainous stasis.

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  • 152 ND

    22 Laderie

    The Vipers Stir
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A green light streaks forth from the Nightwell, visible across Apias as a warning of what is to come. Perhaps a point of focus to rally around, perhaps an object of fear and paralysis, or perhaps something too insignificant to be worried by. Whatever happens, it is the harbinger of a stirring evil.

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