Ore Geographic Location in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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Knocking and klanking sounds overshadow the murmurs of a bustling city. A shadow casts over the city from the mountain its built against. Minecarts shuffle in and out the mineshafts filled with ores of all kinds. Heavily armed men accompany the carts.  
Population: 202521 people

Surface: 87.4km²

Government: Mayor-Sheriff
  Ore is located at the southern most edge of what is considered the Wastes, against the Serendipity Mountains. From the mines the town gathers raw iron, opal, gold and diamonds and is the main exporter of precious rocks and ores.   Ore adopts a Mayor-Sheriff system which means civil matters are dealt with at the mayor's office while security and order is taken care of by the sheriff's office. Ore has a reputation of integrity, its elected mayors are just and the police is effective, used mainly to protect the town's precious cargo.   The town is one of the few places with mandatory health insurance, which is greatly appreciated by the heavy machine operating miners, but not so much by the companies trying to get a foothold in the town. The largest of which is Roader Inc, who has been systematically overpaying miners, driving other companies to bankruptcy in an attempt to establish a monopoly.   The people of Ore are generally stoic and hardworking, spending their hard earned cash after hours in the town's many saloons. Life in Ore is slow, simpler and generally happy. Not that it stops children from fleeing to livelier parts when they grow up.   Notable Locations:
Ore Political Office
Ore Sheriffs Office
Roader Inc Miner's Exchange
Golden Waterways

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