Bayside Geographic Location in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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Fumes assault your nostrils as you approach the foggy town. It smells a little of rotten egg and burning oil, even though there is no oil on the planet. You wonder if it's poisonous. It's certainly not good.  
Population: 98114

Surface: 34.9km²

Government: Mayor-Sheriff
  Bayside, located far to the south-east of the Wastes right against the eastern edge of the Serendipity Mountains, is the last stop to the Freland waters. It's a relatively new town founded to accomodate its central medicine factories and be at a resonable distance between the Wastes and Freland.   While on the surface the town generates its revenue from the export of medicine, its real profits come from the copious amount of illegal drugs the town produces and distributes. This is a known fact and while some settlements have sanctions on Bayside products, many others need the medicine it produces.   Bayside adopts the Mayor-Sheriff system loosely. The mayor of Bayside is always the CEO of Great Remedy, who inherits the position from the former CEO and always holds the companies best interest as a priority. The sheriff has to not only be ok with the comapnies shaddy side but is expected to guard and protect the companies products and interests.   Bayside tends to attract those of morally grey character, be they scientist of thug, looking to get in on the drug trade. Baysiders have the reputation for being violent and dangerous brutes. While not usually true, there is a reason the preconception has stuck.   Notable Locations:
Great Remedy
Bayside Sheriff Office
Fallen Choice bar

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