Mesonomornia Dragonborn-Elven Alliance Founding
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Dragonborn-Elven Alliance Founding

Political event


The Elves burned the streets. Symbolic monuments of the noble houses demolished, and the Dragonborns were left with no choice but to accept the demand of the Elves for a new society.
And so, the Dragonborn-Elven Alliance was formed, and peace was brought about to Volniymorn.

After social unrest began to form at Volniymorn under the Dragonkin Empire, protests took place, and a lot of monuments were demolished to signify the discontent with the ruling classes.
The Elves pushed for an egalitarian society, and after the protests calmed the Dragonborn officials of the Dragonkin Empire met with the Elf protesters representatives and agreed to form a new society and rule of joint Elven and Dragonborn rule.
After the formation of the Dragonborn-Elven Alliance, the Alliance allied with the Tritons of Volniymorn and began to give special status to select Tritons to keep good relations with the Triton colonies and preserve the nature and seas.

Related Location
Volniymorn Island
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