Wendigo Species in Meskou | World Anvil
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The Wendigo is a special kind of Reaver, a cursed creature that resembles a humanoid hyena.  Born from cannibals starving themselves by refusing to eat anything else but the flesh of other men. This leads to many of these cursed creatures appearing in prisons, where they then eventually break out with their unnatural strength. These beasts may resemble hyenas but in the form of men, they however share no blood relation. The other way they are created is that after massacring crowds of people hyenas follow behind preying on the shower of blood and gristle, the hyenas themselves then transform into lesser Reavers, which takes up the original Reaver's awful mission to kill and destroy anything in their path. The only known way to revert the transformation is the oils extracted from the root of a Tandothel.   Unlike the average Reaver the Wendigo has a natural aura that surrounds them, when a person looks into the Wendigo's hollow eyes they are overpowered by lust to feast on their kin. This lust can linger in the individual for a few days to the rest of their life, indulging in this desire causes it to grow and can cause them to become Reavers themselves.    
Roaming the tall grass fields dragging a rusty claymore against the course soil, held aloft by a hunched man covered in blood-caked hair forming a ridge, running from the creature's canine head over its hunched back and under torn hide armour. Spotted fur, stained with filth and gore, covers the body with the only visible elements being its toothy maw, dod-like legs ending in claws that clench whatever iron it could scavenge. The air surrounding it is still and dead, with the only noise left out from the beast being a cackling of a hyena.


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