Vampire Species in Meskou | World Anvil
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Vampires, the undead abominations that somehow are the nobility among the dead. Caused by Vampirism with each vampire going through a slightly different transition.   Their structure and lives vary between breeds with the general guidelines split them into three distinct groups: Lesser, Higher and Relics. The lesser vampires range from the feral to the thralls and unbound. The higher are those with abilities that prove to have power beyond any lesser vampire. Relics are not to be dealt with, fear the warning as they transcend our understanding and acts as a way for us to document these terrifying creations.   It is believed the name Vampire comes from Ambrogio Vampire, an individual who ascended to lichdom and was cursed with Vampirism, however this is unlikely to be the true origin. As vampires appear much earlier in history.   Vampires aren't widely known to the public with most believing them to just be rumors. This is because of the Masquerade, a survival strategy from the vampires where they must conceal their identity to the public. To break the Masquerade would be punishable by execution by either a higher vampire of a mob of pitchfork wielding peasants.

Basic Information


The typical feature of a vampire is a more diluted grey skin tone often paler than before. The eyes turn grey and change colour to match the colour of blood that they feast on making it a dead giveaway once one has feated. They grow sharp fangs and their mouth produces saliva that destroys platelets preventing the puncture wound from sealing up. The body stops ageing and loses its heart rate creating a dependency on feasting on blood for the lesser spawn. In its place, the body's senses increase and the nails become thicker to be used as natural weapons. The body itself like most undead have sunlight sensitivity causing the body to form a rash on the skin quite suddenly, although documentation shows this doesn't seem true for higher vampires. Many different bloodlines are present with different attributes created by different species and environments.

Genetics and Reproduction

They are rendered incapable of conceiving or incubating children.

Growth Rate & Stages

Growth stops after the effects of Vampirism take fold.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The lesser require blood in order to survive, while the higher view it like alcohol as it's quite addictive and improves their strength. The lesser go feral if they don't consume enough which can lead to the death of hunger.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

The easiest way to spot one is by seeing how they hold no reflection on a mirror as they don't have a reflection, or cast any shadows. Many believe they can be countered with holy water, religious symbols and garlic, this is nothing more than common myth, but even a few vampires believe this themselves so if played well could be an effective weapon. Stakes to the heart of a vampire are only a slight inconvenience for them, same with losing a body part as it grows back rapidly. It is theorized that they don't have a functioning nervous system as they can hold burning hot metal perfectly without flinching.


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