Sophisticated View on Mirran Document in Meskou | World Anvil
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Sophisticated View on Mirran

Wise reader, I write this documentation to enlighten those blinded by the true nature of these creatures. Those of all cultures surely have dealt with the consequences of these actions. As a fellow Liren by the name of Gabrian Aredhel Earthreach Before my family came to the throne, I lived as a peasant under the tyrant Lichal. Who was supposedly marrying into the royalty out of love, but no sooner after a few years killed our king and dug up thousands of graves in the name of what he proclaimed as progress. That is only one case and I wish to show you even among their own kind how primitive they are.   Examining their history they originated as a people called the Chinderin who came from the void on a ship of ash stone. Documentation also depicts them worshipping an empty space, which creates a dreamful image of them idealizing nothing. Although this has seemed to of ended, for the most part. This is where the problem lies, as soon as they adopt a new pantheon they start to change it.   Their shorter life span causes them to act irrationally. Now one would imagine that having a shorter life and living in the present they wouldn't be looking past when they die, but this in fact is wrong. They wish to be remembered after they pass, not their peoples achievements but each of their individuals owns legacy in a selfish point of view. This is done by plundering, pillaging and terrorizing lands then settling down inside of the wasteland they created.   They are highly individualistic. Their kingdoms and empires are fractured into many wild different beliefs, even their theocracies who claim to be bound by the same divines are in conflict with each other. Having such a divided culture is proven to be the reasoning for all their civil wars, in addition to being the cause of the War of the Flying Baron. Half of them underwent a ritual turning them into the Ashen, and from records and witnesses majority didn't choose this and were forced into it by Enser Lumo Flame who conducted and led the Pact of Flame.   Let this be a warning that they need to be watched or cleansed, their arrogance leaves little hope for redemption.


To enlighten those of the mirran.
Authoring Date
-27 PS

Cover image: by Artgalles


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