Pharaoh's Mandates Document in Meskou | World Anvil
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Pharaoh's Mandates

Beneath the glittering facade of the never sleeping city, Oasis, there is an intricate web of rules and regulations that govern the behaviour of the residents. Despite the strict laws against violence and aggression, rumours of underground fight clubs and turf wars circulate among the locals. Theft and vandalism are commonplace, and it is not uncommon to witness a chase through narrow alleyways.   Gambling is permitted but the lucrative business of unregulated games often attracts unsavoury characters and can be a dangerous affair. The use of magic is strictly prohibited, yet whispered incantations and foreign religious rituals can be heard echoing in the darker corners of the town.   Despite the presence of guards and officials, it's not uncommon for those in power to abuse their authority and bend the laws to suit their own interests. It's a town where survival and opportunity come at a cost, and the line between lawful and unlawful behaviour can often blur.


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