Monarch Gryphon Species in Meskou | World Anvil
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Monarch Gryphon

A type of Gryphon, Griffon or Griffin known for their territorial nature and golden mane. They are sometimes referred to as Royal Gryphons or Golden Gryphons.

Basic Information


The known description of them is that of a combination of a wild cat and a powerful bird. Having a long black beak tipped with bronze, long curled talons on the front legs connected to large shimmering feathered wings used for flight. Their body consists of golden feathers in the upper half with sandstone fur on the lower half, with legs, a tail of a cat and a luxurious golden mane sometimes larger on the top acting as some sort of a crown. Their bones are rarely light, but durable allowing for each flight but weak to force.

Genetics and Reproduction

They partake in breeding once in their life once they reach the elder stage in their life, the couple will stay together until their children leave the nest, although some stay permanently. Burying their eggs in the possessions they have gathered over their lifetime.

Growth Rate & Stages

They have 4 main phases of their life:
Youth 1-50, this is the stage for growth and learning to fly.
Adult 50-100, this lifetime consists of them living their life in perfect adult form.
Elder 100-200, their feathers are replaced with new orange feathers and their mane forms a crown.
Monarch 200-300, their feathers start to turn grey with them eventually dying in the end.

Ecology and Habitats

They exclusively live in the highest peaks of mountains, especially in caves if available in high altitudes, else they will live in the rain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are really picky eaters and will often refuse to consume food and starve if it doesn't meet their requirements. Their preferences are usually fat cattle that have been roasted.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have orange cat eyes that can see things from miles away making them excellent hunters, especially paired with their smell and hearing abilities.
Conservation Status
The species in most places remain high up in the mountains staying out of sight of most creatures that would cause it harm, but in the earlier days of civilization, they would live among the hills as monarchs.

Monarch Gryphon CR: 12

Huge monstrosity , unaligned
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 266|273|280
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 80 ft


20 +5


18 +4


14 +2


12 +1


9 -1


16 +3

Saving Throws: DEX +6, WIS +3
Skills: Athletics +6, Intimidation +6, Perception +5
Damage Vulnerabilities: Piercing, Bludgeoning, Force
Damage Resistances: Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Poisoned, Frightened
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 15
Languages: --
Challenge Rating: 12

Keen Sight. They have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or hearing.   Falling Prey. They can drop their prey as a free action causing them to fall 500ft/150meters per turn dealing 1d6 damage per 10 feet/3metres fallen. Any ranged attack that misses by 2 instead hits the prey.   Monarchs Call. A mystical aura takes form through a high tune of grand groaning prowess. Every non-construct or undead within 300 feet must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or fall under their control. They must use their bonus action to keep the tune going. The creatures can repeat the saving throw after taking damage, or at the end of their turn.   Royal Voice. They get advantage when making a constitution saving through for holding their Monarchs Call.   Royal Breed. They are immune to effects that manipulate their mind, such as Command, Charm person, etc.


Multiattack. They can make three attacks: only one may be a beak attack.   Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 46 (4d8 + 20) piercing damage.   Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 10) slashing damage.  

Bonus Actions

Approach. The target must succeed in a Wisdom save of 17 or move toward the Gryphon by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet of the Gryphon.   Kneel. The target must succeed in a Wisdom save of 17 or kneel for the Gryphon, they fall prone and then ends their turn.   Tear of the Sovereign. Heals one target, other than the gryphon, within 5 feet for 22 (3d8+10).


Flying Dodge. As a reaction to being hit while flying the gryphon instantly gets +5 to their AC which falls away after the attack.

Legendary Actions

They can take 5 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. They regain spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.   Detect. They make a Wisdom (Perception) check.   Claw Swipe. They make one claw attack.   Loyal Subject. They command anyone who is under the effect of Monarchs Call to use their reaction to make an attack against the nearest target to them.   Loyal Servant (Costs 2 Actions). They command one individual who is under the effect of Monarchs Call to use their next turn to make an attack against a specific target with all of their attacks. The gryphon regains hit points equal to the damage the creature takes.   Commanding Presence (Costs 2 Actions). As long as Monarchs Call is still up they can pick an individual who succeeded and cause them to repeat the save.


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