Marrow Item in Meskou | World Anvil
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Marrow is a currency found exclusively in the country of Niene. It is made out of ivory that is carved and then branded with one of 5 nobles' crests. The value it holds is only as valuable as the crest it has embedded into it, a province's crest, the crests coming from the five families that led the rebellion against the Daidarabotchi tyrants.   Cunpih:
The coin of the poor, with it being worth 1 Marrow. The crest is branded in tones of bronze.   Silnian:
The coin of the commoner, with it being worth 5 Marrow. The crest is branded mixed in with tones of tungstens.   Esnou:
The coin of the merchant, with it being worth 10 Marrow. The crest is branded in tones of silver.   Gouni
The coin of the noble, with it being worth 50 Marrow. The crest is branded in tones of gold.   Palgu
The coin of the lord, with it being worth 1000 Marrow. The crest is branded in tones of crimson.


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