Eleanor Ungagh Character in Meskou | World Anvil
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Eleanor Ungagh


Dr Eleanor Ungagh is a middle-aged woman in her early 40s with a rugged and weathered appearance. Her long, unkempt chestnut hair falls loosely around her shoulders, framing her determined hazel eyes. Eleanor's fair skin is marked by faint scars and burns, acquired through the trials and challenges of her unconventional medical career. She typically dresses in worn and practical clothing, favouring a leather vest over a linen shirt and sturdy trousers tucked into well-worn boots. She carries a belt adorned with pouches that hold her makeshift medical supplies and a variety of crude surgical instruments.  


Her journey into the world of medicine began unexpectedly. Having grown up in Widows Port, Eleanor was surrounded by sailors and their frequent injuries. With a natural inclination for helping others, she found herself drawn to the field of healing. Her training, however, was far from formal. Eleanor learned most of her skills through hands-on experience and guidance from seasoned ship surgeons while serving aboard various vessels as a crew member.  


She is a practical and adaptable woman, accustomed to working with limited resources and making quick decisions in high-pressure situations. She possesses a no-nonsense attitude and a dry sense of humour that she uses to cope with the often grim circumstances she encounters. Eleanor is driven by a deep sense of empathy and a commitment to easing suffering wherever she can, regardless of societal norms or qualifications.  

Skills and Abilities

While lacking formal qualifications, Dr Eleanor Ungagh possesses a wealth of practical knowledge in the field of medicine, particularly in treating injuries common to a pirate's life. She has become proficient in setting broken bones, stitching wounds, and dealing with infections using the materials available to her. Eleanor's understanding of herbal remedies and natural medicine aids her in alleviating pain and providing relief to those under her care.  


Driven by her unwavering desire to alleviate suffering, Eleanor chooses to join the pirate crew to continue practising her craft under challenging circumstances. She sees the pirate lifestyle as an opportunity to be on the move, encounter diverse patients, and expand her medical knowledge. Despite her unconventional path, Eleanor aims to provide solace and aid to her fellow crew members, forging deep bonds and establishing her role as an indispensable member of the crew.   Additional Details: She carries a well-worn satchel filled with makeshift medical supplies, including bandages, herbs, sutures, and basic surgical instruments. Her tools and techniques may not adhere to conventional medical practices, but they have proven effective in saving lives and mitigating suffering in her unique environment. Eleanor's presence on the pirate crew provides a glimmer of hope and reassurance amidst the dangers they face, as her resourcefulness and adaptability make her an invaluable asset in keeping the crew healthy and ready for the challenges that lie ahead.


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