Meraset The Second Quake
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The Second Quake

Discovery, Exploration


Bringing things to the surface

A second earthquake hits the countryside. Meras City sends scouts to its neighbors as quickly as possible, and is relieved to find them as safe as they can be.
On the return trip from Frostmont, the scouting team finds a strange cavern. They checked and re-checked their maps, and found no evidence of the cavern being there before. The scouts poked around inside, but being unprepared for spelunking, marked it down and moved on.
As with the last earthquake, the scouting team noted that there were more unusual tracks in the woodlands than usual.   Achievements in this time:

  • Improvements made to the clockwork mules.
  • The building of Fox Run Park in Finn's Crossing.
  • Development of the map slate. The device is meant to be a durable, easily edited map. Users can add pins to mark trees and other points of interest.

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