Verin Settlement in Meldoraan | World Anvil
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A dark city, build of rock and iron, known for its slavery. This city smells of death and fire, the sounds of muffled screaming and clanking of hammers and chains fill the air.   The city is built into three circular districts Lom (the outermost district), Gol (inner district), and Su (floating castle district).   Lom, the outermost district of Verin, is the docking station for ships and is where most of the Verin’s trade and production happens. Inhabited by the lesser races of goblins, half orcs, humans, and dwarves - they maintain day to day duties to keep the city up and running. This area is constantly under watch from security.   Gol, the central district of Verin, houses the ministry and security of the city. All city matters and exploration plans are decided here. The ministry is comprised of The Masters, 5 members: Ved (Black), Bii (Blue), Graag (Green), Sahqo (Red), and Sot (White). The district itself consists mostly of elves, noble humans and half elves, the district of Gol is sectioned by subraces outside of noble standard. A marketing district can also be found here, near the lush gardens of Varin.   Su, the castle in the sky, is built of white rock and stands as a blinding beacon above the city of black. At the first light of day, the sun reflects off the giant floating structures giving off an appearance of glitter and warmth. The King reigns over the lands from this vantage. It’s said that he can move his flying kingdom to wherever he wishes, though no one has ever seen it leave Verin.


The people of Verin are the most diverse of all the cities.   Lom is populated mostly of goblins, halflings, gnomes, humans, and dwarves. They maintain day to day duties to keep the city up and running. This area is constantly under watch from the security.   Gol comprised mostly of elves, noble humans and half elves, the district of Gol is sectioned by sub races out side of noble standard. A marketing district can also be found here, near the lush gardens of Varin.


The King reigns over the lands from his vantage in Su. It’s said that he can move his flying kingdom to wherever he wishes, though no one has ever seen it leave Verin. The Masters take care of all government matters across the southern continent.


A 20 foot high stone wall circles the city. Warforged sentries guard the walls taking regular patrols 24 hours a day.

Industry & Trade

The shop is a two story stone-walled building, with several stained glass windows and dwarf-wrought iron furnishings. It has several chimneys, each exhaling smoke and fiery sparks. The shopkeeper is a thin female halfling named Cece. She also deals mostly in locks and manacles.   Weaponry
On Pavilion Way, near an outcrop of rune-carved stone. The street outside is lined with street vendors hawking their goods.   The shop is a single story timber framed building, with several leaded glass windows. It is dimly lit by a few candles and fairly shabby. The shopkeeper is a short male tiefling named Jordima. He is a retired thief, and is rumored to have a hidden cache of stolen treasure. Herb Shop
On Great main Street, near a colossal silver tree. Its neighbors include a grand estate and a verdant public garden.   The shop is a single story building hewn from an outcrop of rock, with a smooth stone floor. It is well lit by small of glowing stones set upon shelves. The shopkeeper is a short female elf named Cania.   General Goods
The shop is a two-storey timber and brick building, with carved wooden doors and a tiled mosaic floor. It is well lit by glowing gemstones set into the ceiling. The shopkeeper is a tall male elf named Cunia. He insists on inspecting every coin paid to him.


Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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