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Medlia is a world that consists entirely of outworld immigrants. Immigrations happen almost constantly, whether it's individuals arriving through magic or entire races arriving through colony ship (though the former is more common than the latter recently). Because of this, the world is a veritable melting pot of races, cultures, shapes, sizes, and variants.   Mysteriously, as diverse as it is, Medlia is remarkably conflict-free, and it has yet to have significant overpopulation problems. In that respect, it is peculiarly utopian, as though it was designed for coexistence. It has some properties that raise eyebrows, though, a notable one being that it seems to serve as a "redirect point" or nexus for when there is otherwise no particular destination world. This property causes many travelers to end up there by accident.   The world has been filled with outworld immigrants and travelers for so long that history is repeatedly born anew, re-told, and scrambled. What the world lacks in consistency it makes up for in security. Overall, it's the place to be for anyone who can travel between worlds.

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