The Needle Geographic Location in Maw of the Deep | World Anvil
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The Needle

Did you know the Needle used to be home to our largest city? It was covered completely by a black wave sent by Qhil herself to destroy us.
--part of an account of Mount Kantmai's eruption

The Former City

Before 1600 the city of the Needle was referred to as Compass , the hub of the Broshan Islands. It was a feat of architecture and planning, layers of city across a wide flat plain. Its many piers and wide dockyards held ships of all sizes and origins, trading all sorts of exports. It was where leaders met, the wealthy took trips to see, and where vaults of wealth were held in underground caverns.

The Eruption

When Kantmai erupted, the first effects were a darkened sky and black ash falling like snow. The next effects were worse for the low-lying islands of Brosha. Tidal waves hit the region, swamping low islands and breaking pieces of tall ones off. The Needle, low-lying and flat, watched the waters recede from their piers, and the beginnings of a huge black wave form miles out. Those who were able, took what and who they could and fled. The rest met a tidal wave nearly sixty feet high head on as it swamped their city, drowning all within and taking their settlement with them into the depths. When the water receded, it was nothing more than a thin chunk of land, barely supporting a few trees.


A sad piece of land, a thin island scattered with scraggly trees and standing water. Sinkholes and the remnants of foundations are all that remain of the pride of Broshan architecture and design.
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