Poem of the Hills Item in Material Plane | World Anvil
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Poem of the Hills

-This is the last poem of a once famous play-write and bard with the pen name of Joeseph of the Vast Fields who has long been forgotten. He created this piece in tribute to his home town after he realised he was not long for this world. What lead to this realization was the sight that welcomed him after he had returned from his long journey across the Material Plane and even further beyond, the sight of that once nurturing and beloved village of his now reduced to nothing but piles of ash. He wished for the last thoughts that crossed his mind to be those that would live on through out history, the now fragmented pieces of this small and pecefull village and wrote so accordingly.   -To say that that wish became reality would be putting it lightly, with all his heart and mind he not only wished, but practically demanded existance to remember him through his masterful word-play and unique tone. From that clear turmoil was born this last poem, the poem that would make people remember the forgotten even if centuries upon centuries passed.   -This scroll contains that final elegy. Inside of it lies the vast fields of barley and wheat, the narrow channels that spread cold water through out the village, the dirt roads lined by old fences and road signs, the market place where people would trade under the shadow of cloth stalls, the rounded hills and the lone wind-mill that watched over the townsfolk from atop one of those mounds, and many, many more mundane wonders...

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Stage 1: It is said that once it is read both the poet and town will be "remembered" as a distant memory and evoke feelings of longing and nostalgia along with the desire to spread this work of art to as many as the reader can, this is not a violent urge, but a passive passion that they carry for the rest of their lives (manifesting as humming along to the presumed tune of the song when bored or reciting verses that they feel are apropriate to the situation).   Stage 2: After a year or so of the first stage the reader will start to have vivid visions of the village as described and have the pleasant voice of Joeseph narrate their inner thoughts (become their inner voice). This will be the seen as normal to the reader as the transition will be slow and smooth.   Stage 3: After an undetermined amount of time the reader will start to have memories of the writer if they experiences related to the recieved stimuli, for example if they visit a specific location, hear a familiar sound or taste a dearly loved dish. This is the stage where the scroll will consider itself understood and will bring the poet back to life, acting as how a homunculous would act for a litch. First spawning from the place of death (remnents of the village now an empty hill) and from then on next to the one who had been in stage 2 for the longest time.

Manufacturing process

Created by Joeseph of the Hills after returning to his burned down and ransacked village. It was made within less a month, the first week used to gather inspiration, the second to create the draft, and the last to perfect and finalize the piece in its entirety. After putting the high quality ink gotten from his travels to the papers he kept for special occasions manufactured in his village, he sewed the pages end to end and rolled it up into a scroll. He sealed it with his wax stamp, secured it in a generic leather case and then took his own life.
Item type
Creation Date
50 grams
Status: yet to be discovered

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