Autumn Character in Matchitehew | World Anvil
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Aki Wisher (a.k.a. Autumn)

Divine Domains

Light and Shadow

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black pair of wings

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To restore balance, or to destroy it completly

Physical Description

Special abilities

Is able to use Angels Original Light and Darkness of the Shadows but its a very weak versions and hurt him a lot more than it would normally

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

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Although it says that he's human that is not the case he is actually half Angel have Shadow, something that should have never happened, and it makes him more powerful then anyone could know...
  Before turning 5 an being taken from the orphaning and taken to Angel Academy Autumn traveled searching for were he belonged, but never found the right place, he would travel from orphanage to orphanage. When he was taken to Angel Academy he was the only student that wasn't existed, he was terrified and scared. When given his wings he frequently tried to escape, all that ended in failures , when he met Zilya and Eind he felt more at home in the place.   At some point he was one of the few students to met the Head Master and Head Master ended up getting stuck in Autumn's Shadow. Now Autumn is slowly being influenced by Shad and his dark powers....

Gender Identity

He wears neutral clothing for genders but is often called a girl when he is a boy, but wont ever bother to call it out.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has successfully met the Head Master

Failures & Embarrassments

He is being corrupted by the power of the dark

Mental Trauma

Can't take the sight of blood, it make him see thing that are not there

Personality Characteristics


Dreams for a better world, but slowly being changed to wanting power

Virtues & Personality perks

Good at Sword fight

Vices & Personality flaws

Terrible at any other kind of fights
Divine Classification
Angel and Shadow
Current Location
Year of Birth
114 15 Years old
Village of Ash
Current Residence
Angel Academy
Blue inless angry and then ther red
Short dirty Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5'5 in
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If I was anyone else I wouldn't give you another chance.... but that's not who I am, so please prove to me I can put my faith in you."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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