Rings Tradition / Ritual in Mastu Old | World Anvil
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The Rahk'ka are known for wearing rings; whether via piercings or on their hands/paws, they are adorned with them. However, they are a little more than flashy bling. They signify milestones and achievements a Rahk'ka has gained, with the most important (turning 16, getting married, etc.) going through piercings in their ears, and less important events going on their hands.   There are no set 'rules' for gaining rings, as it is up to a Rahk'ka to decide what is important to them. Different tribes also see things differently, so those raised in one may think winning a battle deserved a piercing, whereas others may value love more highly.   A Rahk'ka is usually judged by these rings, with those who have few being regarded as inexperienced and those who have many being seen as wise. However, some Rahk'ka may try to fake rings in order to look better. Because of this, Rahk'ka with many rings are looked upon with mild suspicion, and are usually asked how they have gained them.

Components and tools

The Rahk'ka use gold rings when they can get them, but due to the high price, wood, stone (to some extent), and metal rings are very common.

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